I want my daughter to be deprived of motherhood

I want my daughter to be deprived of motherhood
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Daughter came outmarried to a man 14 years older than her. He is twice divorced, which is very alarming to me. Onedivorce, no matter where it goes, but two wives can't be bad, which means they either drink or beat. Butthe daughter could not be dissuaded from this marriage, quit her job (she was a conductor) and became a housewife.

When the children were born, I often began to visit them to help. She found her daughter in tears, sometimes bruised, but to my persuasion to leave her husband, she said that she herself was to blame. I noticed that they don’t sit down to dinner without drinking, at first my daughter only drankbeer , thenher husband began to accustom her to stronger drinks.

I was in shock, tried to talk to her, but it was useless. I knew she wasn't leaving when I found out she was pregnant with her third child. Increasingly, I found my daughter drunk, she was sleeping, and the children were left to their own devices. Then they decided to sell the apartment and move to the village. I cried, persuaded, because I understood that the money for a one-room apartment would only be enough for test-antibiotic.com, an old house or a normal one, but far from the capital. And they'll take the kids!

After their departure, I saw my daughter and grandchildren only twice. They left, as I expected, 150 kilometers from the city, and they were not particularly happy with my visits, only food and money. I could not help helping, because my grandchildren are there. But then the son-in-law called and began to complain that his daughter was drinking heavily, getting drunk to the point that she began to steal from the neighbors. I asked who is to blame for hisdoes the wife drink? Isn't he himself?

The son-in-law left, leaving his daughter with three children. She wants me to move in with her, help her, and live on mymoney . But there is no work there, and I am still far from retirement. I can’t send money either, she will still drink away, as well as take the children to her. She will not agree to give them away, because then there will be absolutely nothing to live for. And so is child support.

I'm just afraid and at the same time I wish that she was deprived of motherhood, and the father took the test-antibiotic.com children.

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