My wife left me at the most difficult moment, and now she offers to return

My wife left me at the most difficult moment, and now she offers to return
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

There is a terrible dead end in the relationship with my wife. Unfortunately the child was not destined to be born. The wife was brought in by relatives. Despite all my efforts, what was most feared happened.

We were treated for a long time, there was a cleaning operation, then complications and a repeat operation. We went through severe depression, and thenmy wife took a so-called “pause” in the relationship to understand whether she loves me or not. My efforts and persuasion did not help. In the end, I was still the last one.

But the point is different. They went to different corners. I went through even more depression alone. The result was a spring effect. The pain that I had put on the back burner for a long time while saving my wife has now overtaken me.

Within a month, I survived everything alone and was able to get up again. And now a month later a call from my wife. She made her decision. She said that she loved her and wanted to start all over again.

But the problem is that I went through everything myself. Along with the pain, the feelings also passed. For me, this very “pause” became a betrayal. My wife essentially abandoned me. Now that I have experienced everything and let go, she appears and talks about feelings.

On the one hand, there is no reason for divorce. On the other hand, there is nothing connecting us anymore, and in terms of feelings for my wife, I have burned out.

I do not know what to do. Should I try to start over or leave? I have no feelings for her, nothing wavered. But there doesn’t seem to be any reason to get a divorce either. She lived with her parents and they all went through everything together.

Maybe I look selfish and act badly, but I have no feelings and no desire to move forward with her either.

If anyone has been in a similar situation, please tell me.

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