My wife didn't appreciate my love

My wife didn't appreciate my love
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have been living in such a nightmare for more than 2 years now. I met my wife 15 years ago. I was 23 then, and my wife was 20. I fell madly in love. I wanted to move mountains for her, to get stars from the sky. This was the case for 12.5 years, until the limit came. But everything is in order. My wife and I both came to Moscow and met in Moscow. Then we had nothing but crazy love and the desire to achieve everything for our family. A year later ours was bornson . I was infinitely happy and idolized my wife. All this time I worked hard to create, arrange ourlife . At the same time, he did not forget about his family.

I bought a girl in Moscow and always dreamed of pleasing my beloved woman. I tried to predict her wishes, even if she didn’t voice them. Of course, I also hoped that she would have the same desire for me, sometimes I asked her to fulfill some of my wishes, but I was refused, citing the fact that it would be humiliating for her. In our entire life together, there was not a single desire for me. She never asked me what I would like. Then I didn’t pay attention to all this. I wanted to love her and that's all. She was the meaning of my life.

The first call came when, after four years of marriage, she started working. Yes, I understood that at first it was difficult for her to work. He supported her in every possible way, was interested in and helped her with advice and hoped that everything would work out. In six monthsmy wife began to grow cold towards me. She became silent. Irritation towards me and dissatisfaction began to appear. I tried in different ways to understand her, to help her, but it was all in vain. This went on for several months until I gave her a choice. Either quit my job or the end of our relationship. Then she left work, and everything gradually got better, because I loved her so much that I didn’t want to torment her by asking what was happening to her, because it always ended in scandal and hysteria.

Then they lived as before for three years, until two years later she went to work again. For the second time ourmarriage saved the birth of our daughter. I was incredibly happy and nothing else interested me. This went on for another two years. Two years later, my wife decided to work again and chose a different direction. She had a hard time getting the hang of it all at first. I helped her and supported her diligently. A year later they offered her a promotion, but she was very afraid and did not want to agree. I told her that I believed in her and convinced her that she could handle it. Another six months of difficult life passed in my new position. Meanwhile I thought thatThe girl is already a little cramped for us and found a large cottage for us near Moscow. I dreamed of arranging everything for our family.

Then it was summer holidays, and I sent the children to their parents at the dacha. I wanted to renovate the cottage so that I could settle there by the first of September, and my son went to a new school. The wife remained in the apartment. By that time, she had already settled into her new job and devoted herself entirely to the work. I was constantly in the cottage, only once every few days I came home for a day, then back. A month later I asked my wife to come to for a couple of days because I was bored. She refused, citing the fact that there were no necessary amenities for her there, and it would be difficult to get to work in the morning, although she knew very well that the difference in travel was only 10 minutes.

She didn’t arrive until the end of August, when everything was ready and I was going to bring the children over the weekend. A few months later she was offered to move to a new office on better terms, as she assured me. I started recruiting new staff. The new deputy was marrieda guy our age. After a couple of weeks, I began to notice the same symptoms as many years ago. Dissatisfaction during intimacy, although I always tried to give several times more pleasure than I received. She responded to all my calls with ardent discontent, accusing me of all mortal sins.

One day I unexpectedly went to her office to pick her up from work and called her in front of her office. He said that I was waiting for her at the entrance to the office. She came out all embarrassed. It was hard not to notice how excited she was. She, of course, denied everything, explaining that he was very arrogant, and she felt insecure around him. I offered to fire him and get it over with, but my wife, under various pretexts, did not do this. This went on for four months. I knew it wasn't about this guy.

She herself wanted this. I stopped sleeping and eating. I went crazy from hopelessness. These four months, despitethe pain that it caused me, he diligently showed hislove for her. He asked me to come to my senses and not destroy the family. But it was all in vain. Four months later, my patience ran out and I said I was getting a divorce. Then she just fired her deputy. I thought that afterwards there would be remorse and a desire to make amends, but this did not happen. When I tried to talk to her, she denied everything and was looking for something to answer and shift the blame onto me. This went on for about six months. Denials and excuses were even more painful than myselftreason _ I decided not to rely on her consciousness and do something so as not to think about it and stop loving her.

Ia handsome man with charisma, is what I turned into. Over the past year, the stubble on my face has turned gray and some of my hair has turned gray. The next day I met another girl and agreed to meet her at a hotel on the weekend. I spent half a day with this girl and enjoyed her happy look and state, but I myself did not experience the pleasure I expected. As it turned out, the girl knew how to appreciate what she received and gladly tried to answer me in kind. Then in the evening, when we had dinner in a restaurant, she looked at me enchanted and hoped for the continuation of our relationship, but I understood that I loved only her, and my soul would not allow me to betray my children.

My soul was devoted to my wife and children. I also realized that a truly loving person cannot betray! Then I pulled away and stopped communicating with my wife. A couple of weeks later, one day she burst into tears and said that she regretted everything, but did not forget to note that nothing had happened. There was only a desire for my deputy and then for a couple of weeks he loved me. She didn’t know that I already knew for sure that a loving person cannot wish for another. The only thing I asked then was: “For what?” What was she missing? It seemed like there was everything in abundance, especially since noticing some kind of stagnation in our relationship, he always offered some kind of variety, but always did not find solidarity in it.

Now my wife has been trying for a year and a halfreturn thoserelationship in which she was loved. I received everything and allowed myself to be loved. But I don't want this. I have already experienced this three times and I understand that there are people who love themselves most and will always put their interests above others.

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