My wife fell in love with a guy who is younger than our son

My wife fell in love with a guy who is younger than our son
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don’t even know where to start, I just can’t wrap my head around it. It feels like the world has just turned upside down. Yes, I have experienced and seen a lot in my life, but for something like this...

I met my wife, now ex-wife for five minutes, while I was at the Suvorov Military School. We met, corresponded, and then off we went, all this time I thought she was the only one forever. The children were settled in, standing firmly on their feet, and hoped that they would have at least someone to meet old age with. But my wife had completely different plans for this.

It all started literally six months ago, in the summer. She began to behave completely differently: she changed her hairstyle, dyed her hair, and began to dress completely differently. I couldn’t help but notice this, complimented her, and decided that she had transformed herself especially for me. At first I decided that she was simply jealous of my students, she wanted to look more beautiful than them, so that I would pay more attention to her than to them. But then I started coming home late from work, I might not even come home to spend the night at all, irritability over every little thing, nagging, leaving with my phone in another room, unreasonable refusals of sex, and so on. This made me think a lot, and yet I managed to get her to talk.

She said that all these years she was an excellent mother of our children, a wonderful wife to me, a faithful friend, gave me wonderful children and more than two decades of life. And this is really true, we always loved and respected each other, walked hand in hand. She admitted that over the years her feelings for me have cooled, and it’s not my fault, it just happens. She said that she was also grateful to me for all these years, for the fact that we raised such wonderful children, that I was wonderfulfather and was a good husband to her.

As a person, I am also excellent and everything will work out well in my life, that despite my age, I look quite youthful (and this is true: I have never smoked, I still do sports, I drink very rarely), that any of the students will happily ready to come with me. But now it’s time for everyone to live for themselves. She admitted that she met and fell in love with someone else and her conscience is clear, because she fulfilled her duty to the end. And almost on my knees I beggedforgive her and let her go. That she blossomed again with him, felt not just a woman, but a girl 20 years younger.

It hurt at first, of course. After all, we lived together for so many years, and on the other hand, I assumed that sooner or later this was bound to happen. I, of course, understand that she had to endure a lot as a military wife, and I’m surprised that she didn’t leave me in difficult times, but wandered with me and the children around military camps and garrisons, until she received an appointment here to the headquarters.

I was just wondering who he was, this lucky guy. There was no way I was going to confront himrelationship . I really decided for myself that if I fell out of love, then it’s better to let go, so that all three of them don’t suffer, and I’ll somehow cope alone. She refused to say who he was. I had to figure it out myself.

And when I found out, at that moment everything in me turned upside down. He’s just a boy, he’s only twenty-one years old! And she is 45. I tried to reason with her, telling her what she was doing? He will play enough and leave her, he is just fooling her. She says that she is simply happy with him, that she has come to life, that we haven’t had sex like with him for a long time, that she has made all her fantasies come true and learned so many new things (how painful it is to hear this, such vile details) .

Her daughter and son-in-law are in the same shock and simply refuse to understand her. I, too, have had students confess their love to me twice during the entire time I’ve been working at the university, but I nipped it in the bud, believing that it was just a childish crush. My son came for the New Year holidays, and now he also knows everything. Called her a fool. I immediately said: “Don’t you dare talk about your mother like that!” The four of us celebrated the New Year -son anddaughter with her husband, and she and her young lover went to St. Petersburg (at whose expense it is clear). I called from there, but the children didn’t even want to talk to her, despite the fact that I tried to insist.

Honestly, I’ll tell you, I don’t hold any grudges, anger, or hatred towards her. She said that after the holidays she will apply fordivorce . He leaves the house to me, and she will live with him in our old two-room apartment. She also said that 50% of the net income from her store would belong to her, and the rest would be divided into three parts between me, my son and my daughter. These are the conditions she set, and said that this would happen if I immediately gave her a divorce unconditionally, and would not interfere with her personal happiness, pursue, trybring her back and turn her children against her.

I don’t even know what will happen to her after Her Majesty reality makes itself known and the blinders fall off her eyes. I have known her over these many years, I know what kind of person she is. It will simply break her. Despite what she did to me, to all of us, I still hope that her brain will fall into place.

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