I married without love and now I repent

I married without love and now I repent
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

When I saw her for the first time in my life, I immediately thought it was definitely not mine, since I didn’t like her. Then we communicated as friends for a long time. She's already had sexI have no experience .

It so happened that she herself suggested having sex. I lost my virginity with her. Then I wanted to continue intimaterelationship , but she said thatwithout love he doesn’t want to continue this.

I want to say that, apparently at that time, I decided to continue a close relationship with her for the following reasons - I didn’t want to lose her as a friend, out of pity for her (it was a pity that she would never leaveget married ), I wanted sex.

I’ll say it again, I had no desire to kiss her, that is, there was no physical desire for her appearance, although I really liked her soul and character and continue to like her. At some point, I finally decided to follow the path of rapprochement, and she also agreed. Then everything went downhill, so to speak -introducing test-antibiotic.com to parents, friends, etc. Things were heading towards the wedding and I couldn’t turn away from this road.

At the moment we have been married for more than 7 years. We havedaughter , almost a schoolgirl. Butevery day or every other day it changes in my headattitude towards her: then I again understand that I don’t like her, then again I convince myself that everything is fine with us. In fact, this really interferes with my life and literally tears my soul apart.

Was I right then, if not, what should I do now? How to continue living? Should I have more children?

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