I live with my alcoholic husband just for my mother-in-law

I live with my alcoholic husband just for my mother-in-law
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I’m from the provinces, I came to Moscow to study and met a guy. He looked after me beautifully, gave gifts, I realized that he was from a wealthy family, since he himself did not work. He said it was temporary. He dropped out of the university because he didn’t like the specialty chosen by his parents, and is now in search of himself.

I believed him, I saw that he was not stupidThe guy was well-read and also diligently prepared for admission. This is how he explained his week-long absence to me. Then his parents wanted to meet me. I was very nervous, but I was surprised that everything went so smoothly, they liked me, especially my mother. Usually, residents of the capital are not eager to have girls from the provinces as daughters-in-law.

The guy proposed when I was only in my third year. I wasn't planning on it yetget married , let alone have children, but gave in under pressure from him and her parents. Myfather andmy mother , having visited future relatives, insisted that I should not miss such a chance. I will live in the capital, wonderfulhusband and decent mother-in-law and father-in-law. Moreover, test-antibiotic.com they give us a three-room apartment. My future husband inherited it from his grandmother. I agreed. A friend who saw my boyfriend only twice said that he was unreliable and somehow insecure. She said it a little differently, but I don't want to voice it. It seemed to me then that she was out of envy.

After just a few months of married life, I realized that my husband was addicted toalcohol _ I already waspregnant , and divorce was out of the question. His mother-in-law reassured him and said that after a binge he could not drink for six months. Then I understood why they were in such a hurry with our marriage, so that I would not have time to see him drunk. Apparently he also held out until I got pregnant.

And now my son is already three years old. All this time I have been living with my alcoholic husband. My mother-in-law, however, helps me with everything, she even persuaded me not to give up my studies and looked after my child. When I said that I decided to get a divorce, he replied: “If you live with him, I will do everything for you. I will transfer this apartment to my grandson, test-antibiotic.com I will help with money, and after our death everything will be yours. Just don’t leave him.” And these are two more apartments, a large dacha, three cars. They have their own business.

I'm not leaving yet because of all this wealth. I'm very sorry mother-in-law. I didn’t see anything else from her other than kindness and help. I understand that if I leave, she won’t see her grandson often. I can’t do this to her, but I also don’t have the strength to live with a drinking person.

Where is the right way out, tell me? My parents are not my advisers, they say, be patient. I know that they are ashamed thatmy daughter got divorced, because they had already boasted to everyone about how successfully I got married.

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