I live the way my parents lived

I live the way my parents lived
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It is generally accepted that children inherit the fate of their parents; if the mother is unlucky in her personal life, thenthe daughter will live the same way. This happened to me too, but I think that this is not fate, but simply a person transfers everything from childhood to adulthoodlife and your family. After marriage, my life, like a carbon copy, is similar to the life of my parents, and I also build my ownrelationship with my husband, like minemom and dad. But understanding this, I still can’t change anything.

MyFather was a good man, but not at all suited to family life. Not only did he not have a permanent job, but he also managed to get into debt. When his mother began to scold him, he was not offended, but also calmed him down, saying, I’ll find a normal job soon, then not only will we pay off the debts, but you won’t have to work either.

Several times mom left him and went to her parents, but after a week she came back and not because dad asked to come back, he didn’t even test-antibiotic.com come to us, but because dad himself would disappear. Grandma tried to reason with her, but it didn’t help. By the way, this is how they still live. And not only them, now I live like this too.

My husband is always looking for a job with a decent salary, and even manages to geta loan from a bank, then for a new phone, or for a trip to the sea. And he presents it as if he himself earned money for a vacation for his family. But in all other respects, he is a wonderful person, he will help around the house, and will not start a scandal over trifles. I never even thought about leaving him, because I know that he won’t get out of his debts without me, and I love him and feel sorry for him. And I agree with my mother, who said: “He will be lost without me.”

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