There is life after betrayal

There is life after betrayal
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Much has already been said about betrayal, and there is simply no point in saying something else. I want to talk about something else. How to live on and what now after the betrayal?

Once upon a time, I went through a betrayal. In short, the former dearly loved and desired oncewife cheated with our son's math teacher. I will say for myself that I could not resist and ran into a fever, completely destroyed the life of that teacher, and beat him several times. To be honest, it was more than once or twice or even five, it destroyed his family, telling the truth to his wife, which deprived him of that very family, and after the scandal that happened at school, he also lost his job.

He also finished everything with his ex-wife, destroyed her reputation with relatives, mutual friends, and, as a result, with her children. I won’t lie and flaunt, there were thoughts of forgiving for the sake of the children and starting everything from scratch, but still common sense turned out to be stronger than feelings, and the facts are a stubborn thing, but I learned not the most pleasant things, in in general, everything, together with betrayal completely and completely destroyed my relationship with my wife and my opinion of her as a person. I got divorced, but remained a father to my children, until the 18th birthday of my youngest son, I gave them my whole life, and only after that I was able to devote my life to myself and establish this very life.

Now actually to the topic. I, like many at one time, was looking for answers to the questions of what to do with all this? And now I'm not talking about how to save a family, no, there was nothing to save. I'm talking about how to deal with it yourself, how to get through it all and move on. There is no single answer for each of us, everyone has their own way, but nevertheless, the answers to many questions are similar, because these questions are the same for everyone.

First, you must understand and accept for yourself one simple little, but at the same time unpleasant and painful truth. The person whom you still love, unfortunately (after the betrayal, feelings do not go away right away and continue to exist and get sick) no longer exists, and moreover, he never existed. Your whole life before the betrayal, and despite the children and the general life and feelings and relationships, your whole life before the betrayal was a deception. You were lied to, you were never loved, you were just a convenient comfortable person, and the only reason you are wantedto return and “save the family” is to stay in the comfort zone. They don’t think about you, they just don’t care about your feelings, experiences and pain, you are just a thing for your loved one.

Secondly, do not be ashamed of your feelings, you do not love a traitor, but the image of a dear and beloved person, who, unfortunately, does not exist and did not exist. Your feelings are an indicator that you are a lively, bright, kind and good person who is able to truly love and sacrifice yourself for the sake of family and love, this is worthy of respect, not censure and shame.

Third. Remember, never, under any circumstances, be fooled by the words of all supposedly relatives of close friends and specialists that “both are always to blame.” You did not force your loved one to change to you and lie from time to time, you did not force her under her lover and did not force her to run to him at gunpoint on dates, and then lie to you and the whole family. You did not force her to take time and care from the family and give it all to a completely alien immoral person. And even more so, they don’t owe anyone or anything, especially after betrayal.

Fourth. Remain a parent to your children, the children are not to blame and nothing to do with it. Defend your parental rights to the last, do not allow the former half to teach you to call the children of all your subsequent suitors "dad". Children have only one father and it is you, fight for it to the end, these are your children, period.

Fifth. When everything is over, when the children have grown up, and you have time for yourself, do not try to find someone right away, do not try to prove something to yourself and others. No need to break and rebuild yourself, guided by imaginary guilt for the past. Remember, you are not to blame for anything. The only thing you owe and the only person you owe to is yourself and should just live, for your own pleasure. Just live for yourself, as you want and always wanted, so that later you will not regret anything. Forget the past, namely the traitor and betrayal, because of this, worries take away your strength and time, and you have only one life and it is simply impossible and unforgivable to spend it on that person and his actions. Spending time on this, you take this time away from yourself and just ruin part of your life.

In conclusion, I want to say one more important thing. Work on yourself, develop, spiritually, psychologically, physically and intellectually. Your life and yourself is clay, from which you can mold anything, whatever you want, there are no limits, no boundaries, everything is in your hands. You and your life is work, and only from your desire for perseverance of honor and conscience depends on what your life and yourself will be like.

Life is a fast flowing river. We cannot change the direction of the flow, but we ourselves choose how to swim along this river, passing all the tests with honor and dignity and setting an example for other people, thereby pulling them towards the right movement. Or we choose the path of the last moral freaks, starting to go down the heads and throats, destroying other people's lives but prolonging our vile. The choice is ours.

For myself, I can say that I went through various trials of this life. At the age of 33, he received a blow from the closest relative and beloved person at that time, from his ex-wife. After that he lived only as children. At 38, he met his second wife and at 40 became a father again. Now I live a full life, I help older children to realize themselves in life, and with the younger ones I re-learn all the joys of fatherhood. With my current wife, I am more happy than ever and I know one hundred percent that this is my man, and that she will not betray and loves me just like I love her.

Good luck to everyone, don’t hang up and don’t give up. Your life is in your hands, act, fight, live.

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