In vain I returned the guy back

In vain I returned the guy back
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


Dated a guy for 2 years. There were different periods in the relationship. There were good moments, but there were also bad ones. The guy decided to leave due to the fact that he was tired of talking, looking for compromises, and the bad things were so stuck in his heart that there was no desire to continue further.

They remained on good terms, helped me in everything, yet I tried to return him, spoke words of love. He did not agree, but he was still there. There was closeness. 5 months after the breakup, he had an intimacy with a girl whom he had known for a long time. But then he made me understand that we can return everything, he lived with me, and did not appear periodically, as before.

One day I noticed his sadness, and that he withdrew into himself. Initially, he did not say anything, but I tried everything. He admitted that he had sex on the side. Now there is a possibility that the girl is in position. He himself says that he does not want to be with her, and will not return. She said she didn't know how to deal with me. I don't understand, what should I do, how should I perceive all this? By the way, I did not have anyone either during the relationship with him, or after. Do I consider this a change?


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