Antibiotics in milk, how to find?

Antibiotics in milk, how to find?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.
The search for antibiotics in milk is an important task in the field of dairy product quality control. Antibiotics that may be present in milk can be hazardous to the health of consumers and may cause the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
There are several methods for detecting antibiotics in milk. One such method is a test to determine the presence of antibiotics in milk using test systems. For this, special plates are used, on which various antibiotics are applied. Reagents are then added to the milk to detect the presence of antibiotics.
Another method is chromatographic analysis. To do this, milk is mixed with a solution containing a special indicator. If there are antibiotics in the milk, the color of the indicator changes. Thus, it is possible to quickly and accurately determine the presence of antibiotics in milk.
In addition, there are methods based on mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography that can detect the presence of antibiotics in milk with high accuracy and sensitivity.
However, it is important to note that the presence of antibiotics in milk can be caused not only by the intentional addition of drugs, but also by the use of antibiotics in the treatment of animals. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out quality control of dairy products and prevent the use of antibiotics unnecessarily.
Thus, the detection of antibiotics in milk is an important step in ensuring the safety of the consumption of dairy products. There are several methods for the detection of antibiotics that allow you to quickly and accurately determine the presence of these drugs in milk.

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