Antibiotics in fish: what you need to know

Antibiotics in fish: what you need to know
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.
Fish is one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods we can eat. However, like meat , fish may containantibiotics that have been used to prevent and treat infections in animals.
Why are antibiotics used in fish farming?
Fish farming is a complex and responsible process that requires constant monitoring of fish health. As with animals, fish can develop various infections that can lead to serious consequences. Antibiotics may be used to prevent and treat these infections.
How can antibiotics get into fish?
Antibiotics can get into fish in several ways. First, they can be added to the feed that is used to feed the fish. Secondly, they can be added to the water where the fish are kept. Third, antibiotics can be injected directly into the body of the fish through injections or other methods.
What problems can arise from the consumption of fish containing antibiotics?
Consumption of fish containing antibiotics can lead to various problems. Firstly, it can cause allergic reactions in people who eat such fish. Secondly, it can contribute to the development of antibiotic resistance in bacteria, which can lead to serious consequences for human health.
What can be done to avoid problems with antibiotics in fish?
To avoid problems with antibiotics in fish, you need to choose products from reliable manufacturers that do not use antibiotics in their work. Also, it is worth paying attention to the place of origin of the fish and the conditions of its storage. Finally, fish must be properly cooked to kill any bacteria and viruses it may contain.
In conclusion, antibiotics in fish are a serious problem that can affect human health . To avoid problems with antibiotics in fish, you need to choose products from reliable manufacturers and properly prepare the fish before eating.

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