Antibiotics in cheese curds: what the consumer needs to know

Antibiotics in cheese curds: what the consumer needs to know
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.
Cottage cheese curds are a popular product that is often eaten as a snack or dessert. They contain milk , protein, and other healthy ingredients, but may also contain antibiotics.
Antibiotics are widely used in animal husbandry to prevent and treat infections in animals, including cows and goats. However, if the animal is receiving antibiotics, residues of these drugs may remain in milk and dairy products, including cheese curds.
This may raise concerns among consumers, as chronic use of antibiotics can lead to the development of antibiotic resistance. This means that the body stops responding to antibiotic treatment, which can be dangerous in more serious infections.
Fortunately, the legislation requires manufacturers of cheese curds to comply with certain rules and regulations regarding the content of antibiotics. For example, in the United States, the European Union, and other countries, there are limits on the amount of antibiotics that dairy products can contain.
In addition, cheese curd manufacturers should conduct regular checks for the presence of antibiotics in their products. If an excess of the norms is found, the products are withdrawn from sale.
Despite this, consumers should be vigilant and monitor the composition of the products they consume. Some manufacturers may use antibiotics in large quantities or fail to comply with quality control procedures for their products.
If you find that the cheese curds you buy contain antibiotics, it is best to choose a different brand or contact the manufacturer with questions about the antibiotic content of their products.
In general, cheese curds can be a healthy and tasty product, but consumers should be aware of the content of antibiotics in them and monitor the quality of the products they consume.

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