Hopeless love for a man who is much older than me

Hopeless love for a man who is much older than me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

It all started when I broke up with my boyfriend in April. We dated for a year and a half, we lived together in my apartment. I was the initiator of the breakup because I lost my feelings for him and I didn’t want to connect my fate with an unloved man.

After that, in May, I met a wonderful man who is much older than me, he has an adultson . This is my first time in a relationship with such a big age difference and it confuses me a little. More precisely, not even myself, but the opinion of relatives and friends on this matter, because not everyone will approve of this. Although it is possible that thisThe question for me is already purely theoretical.

After 3 months of our stormy relationship, he tells me that he is no longer attracted to me and it’s all over. But for me, on the contrary, a real attachment has just appeared and only recently I realized that this is a bigLove .

As a result, we have been together for 5 months, but the last 2 months have been like a volcano. He doesn’t let me go and doesn’t test-antibiotic.com hold me. Periodically, something flares up between us (on his initiative), and then he again says that now it’s definitely over.

I cry constantly and simply cannot live without him. I understand that we have no future, I tried to switch to something else. She left him and left with a scandal, but then she returned herself. He asks me to leave him and find someone else, but I can’t. I'd love to, but I can't.

It feels like my previous boyfriend and I switched places: then I lost my feelings, and now my feelings for me have disappeared. I’m trying to calm down, pull myself together, but as soon as I think about what and who I’ve lost, hysterics immediately begin. All thoughts are only about him. I do not live, but exist. My mood depends on him, on his calls, on his communication with me.

How can I end all this? I understand that we have no future, that I can’t make him love me, I’m terribly tormented by this, but I can’t help it.


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