It's never too late to be happy

It's never too late to be happy
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Reading other people’s confessions, I thought that I could also share my life story with the readers of this site. Moreover, in my life there were a lot of good and not so good things. But I never thought that at 60 years old I would feel happier than at 20.

First releasedI got married at twenty years old. Younga girl who fell head over heels in love with the first guy in the village. But I wasn’t happy for long. MyMy husband started drinking and cheating on me with other girls.

I gave birthdaughter _ But she couldn’t stand it and left him with a one-year-old child in her arms. Soon a new one appeared in my lifethe man who asked me to marry and adopted my girl.

We lived together for ten years. During this time I gave birth to his son. But over time, this man of mine also became addicted to alcohol. We started having constant quarrels.

And then my ex first appeared in my lifehusband _ He was on his knees and begging for forgiveness. He said that he still loves me and misses his daughter. He was not embarrassed by the fact that I also had a son.

Then I divorced and got together with my daughter's father. But as they say, you can’t step into the same river twice. Even though my roommate was coded, he didn’t last long. Turns out,Alcoholism cannot be overcome so easily.

We signed again. But our life was like a nightmare. This time he didn’t cheat on me, but he drank a lot and even raised his hand to me. The grown-up children could not understand why I tolerated this.

And I was just afraid of loneliness. And it doesn't matter how old I am. I didn't want to be alone. The children grew up and went to study, and I was left alone with him. Scandals in our union have become commonplace. Assault too.

One day I couldn’t stand it and just called the police. Then I kicked him out of my apartment and filed fordivorce _

I was 50. I was divorced. Behind him are three unsuccessful marriages, two children and four grandchildren. And I so wanted to love and be loved. But I couldn’t allow myself to fall into this trap again.

For ten years I was alone: ​​work - home. Calls to children andcommunication with grandchildren. I turned from a woman to a grandmother. But during the trip in the minibus, I got into a conversation with the driver. He complimented me, and I was embarrassed like a schoolgirl.

I'm unaccustomed to such attention. But I was very pleased. The man took my phone number and called me that same evening. We just talked on the phone for hours, and then he asked me out on a date.

I'm ashamed to admit how afraid I was. Distrust of men prevented me from rejoicing and enjoying life. But I made an effort and I don’t regret it.

When I turned 60, a fourth marriage stamp appeared in my passport, and I hope it’s the last. We live in peace and harmony. My chosen one blows away specks of dust from me.

I never thought that I would be so happy. My second youth began. We go to cafes and cinema.

Why am I writing this confession? Not at all to brag. just wanted to show by example that it’s never too late to love and be loved. That you shouldn’t give up on yourself. Even if you are already sixty. Happiness will find you at any age.

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