There are also such wives

There are also such wives
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We have a friend with whom we work in the same field. His wife is all serious, the head teacher, and we are hard workers.

Hismy wife will never join our company,husband birthday , he gathers us all and celebrates (since I don’t drink, I’m a sober driver). It’s their son’s birthday, he again gathers all his friends and children and takes them to the countryside, but she again separately. In general, any situation is aside, even I go for medicine, notthe mother of this child because she works until the night. I’m also always with them on long trips, we change each other’s driving. And this situation has been like this for 5 years now.

And recently we went to another region to relax, we just slipped into the night and went. Driving all night, menWe drank beer , so in the morning we all went to sleep. Then his wife called, and she called me first and asked if he was with us, I said yes, we are all together. Then his mother-in-law called my husband and said this to! To the point that I go out with them on purpose because I sleep with all of them.

It was very offensive and ugly. And the main argument in this was that it was I who was with them everywhere and always, but they never took her. Although it was offered to her every time, she said that she had her own company and would be bored because she had nothing to talk to us about.

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