There are also mothers

There are also mothers
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


She left me three years agowife , most likely to another or another better life for her. We had a two year old daughter at the time. My communication with my daughter was very rare, the constant reasons for the ex-wife and mother-in-law to create problems in this. I won't say thather daughter's mother is very bad, she just made a big mistake in her new life, because of whichthe court decided to determine the place of residence of the daughter with her father.

I will not devote readers to the details of why the court made such a decision. For me, even now it is not clear how it is, a three-year-oldthe child , who seems to mostly need a mother, calmly, with great desire, went to live with her father, and did not even miss her mother. After all, it is difficult to buy a child at this age with anything, so that she exchanged her mother's care. What should have happened in that family, where mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, aunts and uncles, so that the daughter lived with her father and did not even get bored?

I live and raise my daughter alone. Believe me, I don’t turn my daughter against my mother at all. Now my daughter is five years old, and for two years I tried to improve their relationship, but to no avail. In the literal sense, I forced my daughter to call or answer her mother’s calls herself, to remind her of the holidays, but if I didn’t do this, then my daughter didn’t even remember.

Communication between mother and daughter eventually became very rare, 4-5 calls a month. Yes, and the conversation does not add up, because the mother cannot or does not want to find interesting topics for conversation. The usual questions, how are you. Well, or hide-and-seek via video communication to play with the child. Mom has the same fantasy with gifts that she asks me to buy for her daughter on her behalf, and then wants the child to realize that this is a gift from mom. About the communication of my grandmother and great-grandmother with my granddaughter, I just keep quiet, zero. Theirlove is manifested in the likes of the granddaughter's photos, thinking that the child looks at the number of likes and admires it. I tried to help my ex-wife in communicating with my daughter, I even offered to pay for courses with a child psychologist, but ...

Thanks to the psychologist, I was able to understand the behavior of my daughter and the behavior of my mother. Calmed down. And I am glad that for my daughter I am the main person. Now you can think about a companion in life, who can become a friend of a daughter who needs female contact.

Of course, this is an isolated case, but still there.

Mothers who complain that their daughter does not want to live with them or communicate with them after a divorce should understand that finding a “better life” for themselves is not always the best life for a child, for which such a tough retribution comes.

Here, many write that mothers in such cases need to establish communication with ex-husbands (please do not confuse the desire to get back together). I agree with it. There should be normal communication so that the child, even at a distance, feels that he has both parents, they communicate and take care of him.


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