Gratitude for life

Gratitude for life
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

In fact, one of the biggest discoveries in life for me was the feeling of gratitude for this very life.

For more than 30 years I lived with constant complaints and resentment towards everyone - my parents, friends, classmates, fellow students, work colleagues, fate... The list goes on and on. And being in this state, I was not completely aware of how much it was poisoning mylife .

Just imagine what it’s like to live, constantly demanding and expecting something from others for yourself. But the majority of people, too, with their own problems, don’t read your thoughts, and don’t do as you’ve written it all out in your head. And now your imaginary world has collapsed, and you sit, swear at everyone, including yourself. What's next?

And then this black fog of anger and resentment completely covers you, and you move on as if wearing dark glasses, even in the sunniest weather. And you begin to ruin the life of not only yourself, but also those around you. With, over time the circle of communication narrows, and in the end you find yourself alone (here we are not talking about physical, but about psychological loneliness) with all your claims and anger. And after this they come to lifedepression , physicalhealth is deteriorating by leaps and bounds, and in extreme cases, completely terrible thoughts. But when you realize that you are not capable of this, and there is no longer a “plan B”, then a pitch-black paragraph begins.

I’ll skip the intermediate stage to the feeling of gratitude, but in the end there will be a change in vectorattitude towards life radically changes this life. Real miracles happen when you don’t take people’s goodwill for granted (let me remind you, no one here owes us anything at all), but treat it with gratitude, even if at first feigned and forced. But through force you begin to act, treating even the most insignificant little things with gratitude - they smiled at you in transport, they held the door, etc. A clean table in a cafe? Cool! The change was accurately counted out in the store - thank you very much for not taking advantage of my carelessness. And if didn’t do anything, then thank you for that, that they didn’t do any harm. Yes, in the end, you can be grateful simply for the fact that you woke up in the morning, and you are still alive, and there is a chance to fix everything.

At first it runs like a rusty engine that no one has ever started. The gears begin to move slowly, albeit heavily and with a creak. But when the engine gets hot, you then rush like a Ferrari along the Champs-Elysees. It may seem like some kind of stupidity. But it can really be difficult to come to this head on your own, and this also did not come to me on its own, but on the advice of some smart people. So you just need to start doing it. There are no atheists in trenches under fire, and here, when there is a complete dead end, you cling to every straw just to stop it. At this moment, it seems that life on earth is just the first circle of Hell.

I think that now many will ask the question: “How can some kind of gratitude improve the quality of my life and get me out of a bad state?” Do an experiment. Just be polite, nice, courteous and grateful to everyone for 24 hours, and you will be surprised at the result. If you don’t like it, then no one forces you to do the same for the next 24 hours. No one can stop you from restoring your past.attitude . And then compare the first and second 24 hours. Then the choice is yours. It may not work out the first time, but with due diligence everything will happen! And 24 hours in a lifetime is so little, so don’t be stingy, invest in yourfuture .

I really hope that this will help someoneexperience can be helpful.

With love and gratitude!

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