Feelings of pity and gloating towards your ex-boyfriend

Feelings of pity and gloating towards your ex-boyfriend
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I had a better opinion of my friend until she admitted to me that she had startedaffair with your employee. The main thing is herThe husband has absolutely no idea that he is being cheated on. And what difference does it make to me, you ask? The whole point is that shemy husband is a very good person. He loves her madly and does everything to make her happy. The most offensive thing is that six years ago he left me and chose my girlfriend. And she rewarded him with “horns.” But first things first.

My friend and I have been together since school. We studied together in the same class, then went to the economics institute. That's where I fell in love with a handsome guy from a parallel course. We started dating. By the way, mymy friend is very beautiful. There are just pretty girls, and she was just beautiful. That's why I wasn't surprised when mythe guy fell in love with her. Then she asked my permission to date him, I lied that I didn’t have any feelings for him. So I was a bridesmaid at my beloved’s wedding.

Ourfriendship passed test-antibiotic.com this test, and I learned to live with my feelings for my friend’s husband. Over time, I met a young man and also went outmarried _ I won’t say that I completely coped with my love for my ex-boyfriend, I got marriedwithout love , but the birth of a child did their job. I had no time to even think about it.

My friend and I meet regularly, spend time together and go to the fitness center. We share life problems with each other and ask each other for advice. And in one of these meetings, my friend asked me to cover for her and say that she was with me until late. She herself was going to leave me earlier and leave. On mythe question is where, she admitted that she had taken a lover. A friend said that these feelings are stronger than her. When I asked whether she would get a divorce, I heard a firm denial. And really, why? Her husband earns good money, carries her in his arms, helps around the house and looks after the children. You'd have to be a complete fool to leave someone like that.

A car pulled up behind my interlocutor. An attractive young man in a classic test-antibiotic.com suit came out. He said hello and asked his friend if she was ready. Having received an affirmative answer, they said goodbye and headed to the car.

She left, and I sat in the cafe alone. So many thoughts in my head. And I really wanted to say to her husband: “Look who you traded me for.” I understand that someone else's life is someone else's business. But it’s one thing when loser husbands cheat on them, and another thing when they cheat on a good, almost ideal husband. How could she? What is she missing in her life? Extreme? How can she look her husband in the eyes now and remain silent? How to communicate with a friend? We have known each other for so many years, but for the first time I don’t understand her. I feel sorry for her husband, but deep down in my heart I still gloat a little.

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