My wife's children don't respect me

My wife's children don't respect me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The beginning of our life together was normal, one might even say good. But a year later everything changed. Here is the first case with my wife’s son, he was 22 years old.

I did renovations in the apartment with my own hands. It was already eveningson was sitting on the sofa, sitting next to himdaughter , she was 5 years old. I stood looking at the doorway, thinking about how best to design it. At that moment, her son said, laughing at me: “Dima, you look stupid now.” I told him that he doesn't respect his elders. The wife was in the kitchen, she says that she heard everything, and says that she doesn’t see anything bad in it, she says that her son was just joking. At the same time, she was offended by me and did not speak for some time. Then she even said that I was wrong. And my daughter sat and laughed at that moment, together with her son, at me. After what he told me.

My daughter also does not love me and has no respect for me, she is now 8 years old. There is also a problem in the relationship with the child, he doesn’t listen, he does everything out of spite, very big test-antibiotic.comjealousy of mother. When she was 5 years old and we started living together, she was so jealous that I couldn’t even take my wife’s hand when we walked together on the street. And to this day, jealousy has not gone away. And nowmy wife blames me for not finding a common language with her children, and it’s all my fault, naturally there are scandals, endlessly.

I'm curious what you think about my story. Write please.

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