For my son, I became a stranger

For my son, I became a stranger
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The son married only at the age of 35. At first I studied for a long time, then I broke up with my girlfriend, whom I already began to treat as a future daughter-in-law, but something didn’t work out for them.

At work I met a woman, she is divorced, there is a ten-year-olddaughter . I was not too pleased with such a turn in his fate, but I was silent, did not want to interfere in his life. She also accepted her daughter-in-law normally, offered to live together, sinceOur apartment is large, but she refused, and her son moved to her one-room apartment. Relations gradually began to deteriorate:the daughter-in-law was unhappy with the fact that he sometimes came to me after work, and over time, the son began to visit me less and less, and even calls now only from work, so as not to annoy his wife.

daughter-in-law nowpregnant and the son does everything as she says. When I come to them, she doesn’t even hide that she doesn’t want to see me, she immediately takes the child and goes for a walk with him, she never even allows her to talk to the girl properly.

Why such an attitude and why I deserved it so quickly, I don’t understand. I am only becoming more and more convinced that it was not without reason that she divorced her first husband - with such a character it is difficult to get along with at least someone who will not obey her. It seems that she succeeded with my son, he became such a henpecked that you can’t even believe that he was once completely different. I wouldn't be surprised if he stops talking to me altogether.wife forbids.

One would think that I was to blame for everything, but the son stopped communicating with all his friends. Even his best friend, whose daughter he baptized, does not even visit them.

I can't figure out what kind of person my daughter-in-law is. I don’t even know her parents, maybe she doesn’t communicate with them either. It is very painful and sad that the only son treats me this way, because I have no one besides him. would be aliveHusband , don't be so lonely...

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