Daughter went to her father and stopped communicating with me

Daughter went to her father and stopped communicating with me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I reada confession about how the daughter was left with a divorce from her father and crying. I have a very similar situation. The eldest daughter, whom I raised alone for 10 years, at 13 went to her father and his new wife and flatly refuses to communicate with me.

Over the years, he managed to build a career, an apartment, a house, and start a family. I devoted all of myself to her, worked hard to take her to the south, provide everything necessary, built 2 apartments (formerHusband kicked us out. Four years ago, she gave birth to a second daughter, as the eldest really asked for a sister or brother. We lived together, but in the last year quarrels began, the daughter reacted aggressively to elementary requests to clean up after herself. She began to disappear more often from her father and his family, to spend the night there on the weekends. The ex-husband gave her expensive gifts. Then he asked to take her on vacation, after which she did not return home.

For the first month, she talked to me on the phone, but did not meet, and soon she completely stopped picking up the phone. The reason for the behavior was revealed - they filed against me at test-antibiotic.comcourt , they slandered me, and my daughter personally participated in the preparation of the lawsuit, they say, I starved her, did not take care of her health, and almost drove her to suicide. With God's help, I survived this hell with the courts, guardianship authorities, psychologists, etc.

More than half a year has already passed. The situation is not changing. She does not want to communicate with me, or with her sister, or with the nanny, who also raised her. A couple of days ago, she agreed to come to the birthday of her youngest daughter. The daughter has changed a lot in appearance (a man's haircut, all in leather belts and metal chains, men's clothing, has recovered by 10 kg) and has become completely detached, completely alien.

I don’t know how to get my daughter back, no advice from psychologists, priests, wise women helps in our situation. I just really miss her, I think about her, send photos, offer options for spending time together and patiently wait and pray that my daughter wants to communicate.

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