There are some things in life that nothing can correct.

There are some things in life that nothing can correct.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Everything in life is not always easy, but you can’t blame the circumstances, everything is in your hands, you will either turn the situation around and cope with everything, or you will break down and give up, everything else is just excuses and excuses for weakness.

At 24 I met my future wife. We were both in serious condition at that time, both she and I were from dysfunctional families, and she and I were mired in the swamp of a wrong life, from which we tried in vain to get out. She, like me, was associated with crime and had bad habits. I was friends with alcohol, and she was on powders (drugs). We got out of it all together, gave up crime, drugs and alcohol, and began to live the right life. And it seemed that all the bad things were behind us.

When everything happened, we were 35. I won’t write all the details, I’ll put it simply,my wife cheated and everything came out. On top of everything else, she started taking drugs again, again powders and now there were pills,the lover also sat tightly. And our daughter was only five years old. I tried to reason with her and save our family, but it was no use. It all ended with him and his lover and some other guy being arrested and given 10 years to each of them. While she was in prison, I got divorced throughcourt _

Now my daughter is 24 years old. My wife left prison a long time ago and is trying to establishrelationship with my daughter, tried to improve relations with me, but as you understand, we cannot correct some of our sins. This is such a true life story, about people, about desire and willpower.

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