The main thing is that he was satisfied

The main thing is that he was satisfied
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Autumn has come, the first month of September. Every year for 18 years now I remember my past life, I remember my first and lastlove , I remember how good we were. They say that when they wipe their feet on you, it is a great spiritualwound . This is true, but it has already healed, sometimes it aches, and it becomes unbearably painful.

On September 1, 1995, I became a first-year student at a culinary college. It was my dream, it’s good that I studied not far from home, so I was often at home. Studying at first seemed fun and carefree, so after the lectures we often walked with the girls in the park, imagining and dreaming what would happen next.

It was on one of these walks that I met him, my Borenka. He studied on a parallel stream, at first it was innocent communication, non-binding phrases. Then in October there was an initiation into students, after the official part we had a party, and Borya decided, came up and offered to dance. Since that October night, we have not parted. Borya switched to my stream, we left the hostel and started renting an apartment, or rather, a room in a communal apartment. They even bought the kitchen together, though inexpensive, but very nice. Since Borya was from afar and it took 14 hours to get to his village, he almost never went home, his parents couldn’t help either, since there was a problem with money, and 2 little brothers in their arms, so we had to help my parents.

In the 3rd year we were offered to earn some money in the house kitchen. True, they paid a penny, but at least you could get hold of food. A month later, our most sly classmate Vovka managed to get into a decent restaurant, and slowly dragged his friends there, including me, and I, in turn, pulled Borya.

We studied and worked, and we also loved each other, or rather, I thought that Borya loved me too. In the fourth year at the institute, there was not a single person who would doubt that Borya and I would get married. And my parents, to be honest, were preparing for the wedding - they knew Borya well, they accepted as their own. I didn’t see his parents, because it’s a long way to go, but we planned to go after graduation, because we were ahead of distribution. I already agreed that we would stay at that restaurant, but still.

Before the defense, Borya was replaced: he packed his things and moved to the hostel, I went around, beat the thresholds, but it was all to no avail. The day before the defense, I learned that Borya asked for a referral to the regional center of his village. I was in shock, I almost flunked the defense, since the teachers knew and took pity. I guarded him near the hostel and classrooms, I wrote notes to him, but all to no avail. A month later, I found out that he had left.

The world collapsed, I did not know what to do. On the advice of a friend, I called his parents to find out what happened. On myquestion and inquiries, there was a feeling that she was hearing everything for the first time. I started writing letters, I wrote two letters a day, apologizing for no clear reason, humiliating myself, calling endlessly, but to no avail. I couldn’t just put up with it, I had to find out what happened, because Borya and I planned to sign. I found out the address, and decided to go, just on Saturday for a day off, 15 hours on the train, another 3 hours on the bus. My yellow raincoat turned into dirty yellow, I, hungry and dirty, went through the village to look for Bori's house. I saw two women, asked, introduced herself as a bride. To be honest, the first time I saw such surprised eyes, but they did not show me the way.

In general, an hour later I found, or rather, a little girl showed me the way. Approaching the house, I saw cars beautifully dressed up in wedding symbols. Entering the yard, I saw a middle-aged man who was smoking in the yard, after saying hello, I asked to call Borya,the man said he was a little busy. I could not stand it and asked: “You have a wedding, are your relatives playing a wedding?” “Yes, the son is marrying a girl, they have been friends with her since school.” Then a woman with a beautiful haircut came out, greeted sweetly and asked the man to tie Borya's tie, I, a fool, thought that Borya was a friend at the wedding. But my illusions were interrupted by a female voice: “Girl, who are you at” “Larisa,” I only managed to say. “Larisa?” she said surprisingly and ran into the house.

A minute later, Borya jumped out in a beautiful suit, grabbed my hand and took me aside: “Why are you pinning yourself? who asked you." "Boy, what's going on? I worry". And then he explained everything to me, everything in detail, popularly, that he never loved, that he simply used it as a maid and so that it was not boring, and that today he is getting married. He left and I stayed on the bench. Then his younger brother came up to me and said: “What’s wrong, he has Anya, he loves her. Here, take a shower." And he gives me a piece of paper, and there is my letter. Then he brought everything to me, it turns out that Borya gave him letters without even opening or reading them. I left.

I didn’t get out of bed for a week, cured a cold and mourned my love in the kitchen. It seemed to be cured, but it got worse every day, worse and worse. I decided that it was nerves, I ate almost nothing, only drank valerian enthusiastically. In the end, I fell right on the street, woke up in the hospital, and I got the news -pregnancy almost 4 months, abortion late to do. Leaving the hospital, I decided to call Bora, just to say thatthe child will. Hearing my news, he congratulated me and said thatwife toopregnant and hung up. And then I decided that it would be only my child.

My daughter will soon be 15, she is in the 9th grade, she named her as in the film “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears” Alexandra Alexandrovna. Not so long ago, Sasha asked about her dad, I just didn’t find the words to tell her, or maybe I didn’t dare, maybe I should have told, I don’t know.

Somehow Sasha went to her friend and left the computer on, and I decided to find Borya from her page and found it in the social. Networks. According to the photographs, he lives well, he has 3 children, the eldest girl, almost like Sasha, and two small ones. I didn't dare to write. To be honest, I still can'tforget Borya.

Oh yes, I completely forgot: six months after my arrival to visit him, I received a letter, and there was the only phrase from which it is still bad: “Thank you very much for the service, I was satisfied.”

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