And in sorrow and in joy

And in sorrow and in joy
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I want to confess what I have regretted for many years. I -a husband who ran away from his wife, ran away at a difficult moment for her. Certainly,every day I don’t think about it, but sometimes you sit down, get into Odnoklassniki, and there she is, my exwife , and, you know, the devil knows what comes to mind and in the soul some stupid "cats scratch".

In general, the story is old. We lived, as they say, we were a family. Lived for 9 years. Children did not make -the problems seemed to be mutual, but it always seems to a man that it’s the woman’s fault ... We lived with my wife’s parents, my mother-in-law loved me, even my wife, herdaughter , could scold if dinner was served at the wrong time. And my wife, Valyushka, could not even imagine life without her mother. Often she told me about this, she was afraid, she was tormented by how she would live if her mother was gone. And there were reasons to be afraid -her mother was old and suffered a lot and very serious illnesses in her life.

And so I drove it into my head that when my mother-in-law dies, all the problems will fall on me: my wife will suffer and cry, she won’t love me, what else is goodshe gets depressed . It was in the course of my depression that I was prematurely egoistic - now I understand this. And then one day, as always happens, unexpectedly, the mother-in-law fell ill, got an operation for intestinal obstruction and, literally 3 days later, she died.

My wife calls me at work, they say, let's go to the hospital morgue, pick up my mother, and, in general, organize a funeral, but I can't move. Here, I think, my misfortune began. I feel like I just can't move. I lied to Valya that I couldn’t leave work now, and then I wandered around the city alone until 12 at night, thinking what to do? Like a blur in my head. Came home after midnight. Valentina is preparing a wake, she doesn’t even cry, but I grabbed the things that came to hand and ran away to my parents.

Was not at the funeral. I came in only a week later for other things, quickly said that I would live with my own people - and disappeared. At first, it seemed that everything was fine, that it was easy and calm for me. I was glad that I didn’t hear tears or anything else. The guys said: everything is fine, she will calm down and call you back herself. But nothing of the sort happened. My Valya, like a stone, not only didn’t call back, but she never even wanted to see each other. I talked with my mother (they were good friends with her), with whom, by tacit agreement, they did not mention me. Like this.

4 years ago at the resort I met a nice woman Ira, our daughter is already 3 years old. But either conscience gnaws, or shame. I remember how I did and right sometimes it gets bad. One thing is good: my Valya is not alone either - she has a schoolboy son, perhaps even from me. Don't even know. And I will not ask - ashamed ...

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