Cheating husband

Cheating husband
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Everyone knows that in life there is a black and light streak. Someone has more light stripes, and someone has solid dark ones. It's like who's lucky. Or maybe our attitude to life also matters in this matter. There are people who constantly complain about life, while others will always find something to rejoice at. Even the little things.

Most of us are waiting for spring, holidays, to rejoice. And in such expectations, life goes by faster. The ability to notice both a beautiful autumn and the magic of winter, especially when the trees are in the snow, like in a fairy tale, is a talent. It is easier for such people to endure life's hardships.

But there are days when, with all your desire, you don’t notice anything around and life suddenly doesn’t seem interesting. It happened to me as well. I had an ordinary family , two children andhusband . We lived normally, we worked, the children went to school, we spent holidays together. We went mainly to the sea, because we didn’t have a dacha or relatives in the village.

We would have lived such a measured life, but my husband has a mistress. I found out about it, as it always happens, unexpectedly. I had noticed changes in the attitude towards me and the children before, but I attributed it all to his fatigue. After all, he began to spend a lot of time, as he said, at work. Sometimes even on weekends.

When I found out that he was cheating on me, our family life became unbearable. Constant scandals and showdown had a negative effect on our children. At first, the husband denied everything, but one day he packed his things and said that he was leaving for her. I did not persuade him to stay even for the sake of the children, and soon filed fordivorce .

Gradually, my children and I got used to the fact that we are alone. Time passed, but the insult was not forgotten. The children have finished their studies and are already working. They have their own families and live separately. No, they don't forget me. We often meet all together at the festive table, I take my grandchildren on vacation, but when they leave, over the years I feel my loneliness more and more acutely.

But recently, quite unexpectedly, the ex-husband came to ask for forgiveness and permission to go back to I do not expect that I can still meet a person with whom I can live the rest of my life. One is also bad. I can forgive a lot, but I won’t betray. So I live alone.

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