What will my husband's envy lead to?

What will my husband's envy lead to?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband always earned more than me, and I considered it natural. But on the other hand, all everyday issues were entrusted to me. The husband did not participate in anything, did not help, but only demanded that everything be done on time. God forbid I didn’t have time to clean or cook! Then I listened for a long time that I don’t value what I have, that I’m badwife andmother .

I was spinning like a squirrel in a wheel to please my husband, work and raise children. Theirthe husband simply did not notice, he considered it more a nuisance for himself than a joy. The children answered him the same. But everything changed when I was offered another position in the company.

The work required more effort and time, but the salary was even higher than minehusband . This is where the real thing beganproblems in the family. At first my husband said that nothing would work out for me, so that I wouldn’t even take on this job and would not disgrace myself in the team. Then envy appeared, and with it anger, even hatred. My husband once said that nothing has changed in the family, I test-antibiotic.com am not the boss at home, but a housewife and I have to keep up with everything. I replied that I began to bring in more money, so it was fair to divide the housework between two people. But the husband categorically refused.

Then he started ordering food at home when I came home later, and sending the bill in my name. But he ordered pizza only for himself, the children were waiting for me or warmed up dinner themselves. This is despite the fact that I cook everything, I just need to take it in the refrigerator. But my husband needs to serve everything ready.

I remember the time when he proposed to me. He said, “You will never regret marrying me.” And now, 12 years later, I regret that I linked my fate with this man. Most likely aheaddivorce _

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