How can I grow up and become like everyone else?

How can I grow up and become like everyone else?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I’m already 17 years old, but it feels like I stopped developing for about 13 years. The problem is that I’m childish to the point of gnashing my teeth. AllThe girls of my age who surround me diligently take care of their appearance, are organized, neat and have rather aristocratic manners in their behavior. In general, real ladies. And I? Absolutely frivolous, like a small hyperactive child, always laughing out loud, making faces, not following any rules of etiquette, spitting from a high tower on subordination (understanding of the relationship “student-teacher”, adult-child” is completely absent), is 100% irresponsible.

All girls have some kind of zest, a “little secret”, but I, likeopen book, just a lot more chatter from me. There are no closed topics for me, and this shocks many. I also have very unconventional thinking, and from the outside it looks like strangeness. With such data, it is very difficult for me in terms of respect from other people. There are those who love me, there are many fans, butlove is not respect, and that’s what I lack. I irritate many people with my nonsense, some people perceive me as something like “oh, take it away already!”

I look like a fool, although I have never suffered from a small mind, because I educate myself day and night, I have won many competitions, including in psychology, I understand issues on many topics and in general I am a very versatile person. I have an excellent understanding of relationships between people, I can give wise advice on any occasion in life, but I still can’t cope with my cockroaches. In general, from the outside, it seems that I am carefree and have no problems, but in fact, inside I am a very deep person with a lot of complexes that I am very afraid to show to people.

I tried to change, but nothing worked because I felt that what I was portraying was not me. In the end, I just want to ask you, dear psychologists, to help me with advice and tell me how to win the respect of an infant and at the same time remain myself? I would be grateful if you tell me what is the reason for my infantilism.

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