How should I respond to this attitude?

How should I respond to this attitude?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


It started in November 2016. I took my child to the section. (I was married at that time). There is a trainer there. There is minimal communication with him in life.

One day I went to his page on social media. networks (logged in from the left account). An anonymous correspondence began. Then a week later he disappeared. He returned 3 months later with complaints: “why don’t you write where you went?” Non-binding communication began again. After 3 months I posted my real photo. Now he knows who I am. Well, I think our communication is over. Well, okay. We are going to the section again in September. From his side: “hello, how are you, what’s interesting” - and he doesn’t communicate like that with every parent. Again, simple communication. On social media He didn’t write anything to me then. In October we got sick, stopped going, and then he started harassing me on social media. networks. I liked chatting with him. I once wrote that I haveproblems in the family and personal front. But I perceived him as a pleasant acquaintance, nothing more. Moreover, communication at the section stressed me out; there were too many witnesses around. There was a chill on my part, but on social media. networks - with him I’m a darling. And this is how we communicated online; in real life I was a little distant from him. Then he began to make complaints online: “you keep me at a distance, you don’t need me, you communicate with me coldly.” Somehow I managed to extinguish these hysterics of his. Although I was jealous of him more than once.

Then he went home to buy bread, met someone (well, he told me that, on purpose or not, I don’t know). Naturally, then there were quarrels on social media. networks. Then he started calling and kept calling for about a month. After the section, he could treat the child and me to sweets and apples (he called it “here’s a little treat for you”). This bothered me (there was already a strong rift with my husband then), I feel that I am more than just an acquaintance for him. Well, I think there is no need to reject the coach, maybe there really is an interest in me. And then at the beginning of March the network suddenly cooled down, stopped writing, I felt that this was the end. Although in life our communication became even better, I became more friendly with him, and was no longer embarrassed by other parents or his colleagues. He himself came up to me, he could treat mecoffee , apple. But he didn’t call or write. Sometimes I thought, he hates me because he doesn’t call or write, now he’ll pass by, ignore me, and I’ll understand everything. I will remove myself from social media. network, I won’t catch his eye at all. But no, he approached, purposefully, and said all sorts of nice words: “You look good, this hairstyle suits you.

Now comes the fun part. The moment our online communication stopped, I quarreled with my husband (just at the beginning of March). My parents supported me in this. But my husband and I talk on the phone and are still on friendly terms. He lives with his relatives. It was Easter recently. I congratulated that coach on the holiday on social media. networks. He only answered “thank you.” Then yesterday we went to the section. After class he followed us. Treated me with a bag of sweets. On the way home we laughed about something, in general, it was not bad. And that's it.

I don’t know what he has for me? Interest, or is he just having fun, and what will happen next when the section goes on summer vacation. Will our communication end? Or is it some kind of cat and mouse game. I’ll add that I didn’t date anyone other than my husband; I perceived men as colleagues, acquaintances, nothing more. This trainer is 43 years old and says that he has never been married (to my surprise). Looking for the one and only one. Maybe I wasn't the one.


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