How my friend ruined my holiday

How my friend ruined my holiday
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Throughout my life, I have always been a very comfortable person, without established boundaries, non-conflict, I adjusted to everyone, just to be good. Only in recent years, while in therapy, I began to change myself. I had already distanced myself from some of my female friends before I started acting the same way around them, and I don’t care. But I really didn’t think that this would affect those closest to me.girlfriends .

I was sure of her; on the contrary, we had become closer in recent years. She also has no charactersugar , she is the kind of person who periodically withdraws into herself and says nothing. The reason could be either that she didn’t like something (she doesn’t say it, but keeps it to herself and punishes her with silence until she lets it go), or simply something triggered her and she kept it to herself. The general circle of girls have already gotten used to it, they even joke about this topic, she “went into herself, will soon return, as always.”

It happened to me a couple of times, coldness and ignorance on her part, as a result, I was always the initiator of “what happened”, and everything was corrected. But on's latest trip, everything changed. Everything was fine, no conflicts, but as soon as we headed to the airport, she retreated into herself again. I didn’t take it into my head, knowing her peculiarity, I thought it would pass, the first day, the second day, she was still silent. If I said something, I suggested, then I answered normally, in monosyllables, without being dynamic, but I myself simply remained silent and walked around with my head down. It got to the point of absurdity, we were just walking, I didn’t know what the plan was for the day, she could spontaneously enter the establishment without discussing it, I walked with her, then I went where I wanted and she and me, physically they were together, but everything this is the time of silence. In the cafe, everyone is on their phone, and not a word, not even any routine phrases like pass the salt.

On the street, instead of asking me to take a photo of her, she placed the phone on all sorts of stones with an auto-timer. One time I started walking at a brisk pace, sat down on a stone and looked at one point. This all scared me, I write to our third friend in hysterics and asking for advice on what to do. We came to the conclusion that this was due to a recent breakup with my boyfriend. At the hotel I asked if she wanted to discuss something, why she was not in the mood, she said that everything was fine. I didn’t pull; she usually responds with irritation at such moments if I bother her. Such a character. The option that it was because of her ex disappeared when in the evening in a pub (and in the afternoon in a cafe) we met 1-2 guys, she was very sociable and active with them, she laughed, joked, and talked. As soon as they said goodbye, she immediately had a mournful face and silence.

ThirdA friend, at my request, wrote to her saying she doesn’t know, how is your vacation going? She replied that everything was fine. It was the most terrible and strange trip of my life. As a result, when she got back to the airport, she didn’t wait until I checked my suitcase, she went upstairs to the cafe (she didn’t have a suitcase to change), after which I went to the same cafe at another table. On the plane I saw from afar how she walked to her seat. Then I didn’t see her, I just went home, like that, without goodbye, without dialogue at all.

Just imagine how perplexed I am. She had such a mournful face the whole trip, even the waiters joked a couple of times, asking if everything was okay with her (she sits with her head down, as if she’s about to cry, dissatisfied face). It was the most silent trip of my life.

What were my options for behavior? Ask if everything is okay, is it because of your ex? I asked. I didn’t humiliate myself, begging to tell her what happened and why she was punishing me with silence, although before I had always brought her up to talk and thus was pleasing. I’m disgusted by the thought that I’ve always been a pleaser, an adapter, now I’m just indifferent. She never asked me if everything was okay with you, and if I had done the same (kept silent), they would have simply mistaken me for a mentally ill person and stopped communicating. But if someone else is capricious, then immediately “people need to be accepted with their shortcomings, talk to them, find out.” Yes, how much is possible? Nobody is afraid of losing me, but I am afraid of

How can you ruin a trip you've been waiting for so long like this? How can you turn it into some kind of mourning? Why always Me? But I really didn’t expect such behavior from her. The option that she is always like this when traveling is excluded. I know how she usually rests, and we were looking forward to this trip, planning to have a blast. The result is such emotional abuse and punishment by silence.

My third friend and I are guessing, going through all the dialogues and events from the past, there was nothing like that. On the contrary, she was too accommodating, invited her to stay overnight the day before the flight (to make it easier to get to the airport in the morning), set the table, breakfast, bought those rolls that she loves, this way and that, and thank you. Now, of course, we don’t communicate, and I’m not going to find out anything like before.

I don’t even know what kind of advice I’m waiting for, I just wanted to speak out.

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