How to influence neighbors?

How to influence neighbors?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Lives through the wallfamily -mother 50 years old with a ponytail,a daughter of 28 years old, a son of 11 years old (we will talk about him, his name is Lesha) and a grandson of 6 years old (daughter's son). Both raise sons without husbands, men periodically appear, but just as safely disappear after a while, the daughter always has different ones, and the mother, perhaps the same, but very rare. Well, the problem is that both of them hit Leshka, you can say every other day, and sometimes several days in a row. Hearing this is unbearable. They shout at him, insult him, swear, beat him, and even with such frenzy that it seems that he is hated in this family.

I agree, there are times when I gave my daughter a cuff on the back of the head, but this is an extreme measure and very rare, only when her behavior goes off scale and long persuasion, explanations do not work, patience bursts and then threats, warnings follow and if they don’t hear me , then only then a couple of slaps solve the issue. So these two hysterics beat the child for hours, both morally and physically, they hammer him. By the way, he’s not a bad boy, he always says hello, holds the front door, stays my valet (I didn’t get along with the characters in reverse). He shakes hands with men, and with both hands (this is like the highest sign of respect), does not offend the younger boy, takes him to school, drags him everywhere with him, is friends with the guys in the yard, even protected my girl 1 time from juvenile yard hooligans.

Before the New Year, we met with his mother in the supermarket, he was with her, she picked up sweets and gave them to him to weigh, he could not immediately orient himself with the scales, so she threw him off the scales by the collar, in front of other buyers. I feel very sorry for Alex.

Now I am writing on emotions, literally yesterday, at about one in the morning, Lyosha begged his mother not to beat him, cried and shouted. I could not stand it, called his sister and asked him to stop, to which they hinted to me with displeasure that it was none of my business, then I pointed to the time and said that they were breaking the silence (in order to somehow calm them down). By the way, does not beat the youngest and practically does not scold.

I wanted to contact the social guardianship, but I think if I will only make it worse, because in fact he is dressed, shod, fed, but they will not pass all the checks and he can be identified in the special. institution, but will it be better for him there? Also not a fact. These beatings really strain me, I feel sorry for the child whose psyche is being broken. How to proceed?

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