How to get a bad husband back?

How to get a bad husband back?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I lived for 9 years, we have two children, 11 and 4 years old. We met when he studied at the institute, and I at the technical school, we met a little. Then it seemed to me that he was kind of frivolous. He swore to me that he would change, that he would be a good husband, and I believed him.

We went to the provincial town where he comes from. He did not earn much, and I soon became pregnant and went on maternity leave. All the time I pushed my husband to get an apartment for us, to earn more money, like himcolleagues . And he was too honest, did not want to do like colleagues, although then he would have earned much more.

After the birth of the first child, he became a little distant, and after the birth of the second, he completely closed in on himself. When he gets home, he turns to the computer. I told him that we needed a car, repairs, etc., but he just brushed it off. I was cleaning, cooking, everyone is always full and neatly dressed, but he did not appreciate this. Didn't realize thatI don't need sex , that I get very tired with children. At home, did not help at all, he was interested in children, but I was more involved in them.

I decided to get a higher education, he was not against it. I studied for a fee for the economic year, but decided that it was not for me, went to law school, and graduated. My husband helped me get a job, but the job was so-so, I scolded him for a long time that I could not find a better one.

Furtherthe husband began to come home drunk, although he had not drunk before, then he did not spend the night at home several times. “Good people” informed me that he had a mistress. I immediately realized that he was bewitched, went to a fortuneteller, ordered a lapel and a love spell for me. There were many quarrels, he stayed with me, but nothing, in fact, has changed. He promised that he would be different, but things did not go beyond promises.

He swore that he had no mistress. I pretended to believe, although he often, under various pretexts, disappeared from the house in the evenings, allegedly, he was on duty at work.

Then his friend died, hanged himself. I didn’t love this friend, I was an alcoholic and pulled my husband there too. My husband got very drunk, and I started yelling at him, threw a box at him. And he got up and just left the house. I was sure that he would return, he loved children, and I loved him. But he didn't come back. I begged, asked my friends where he was and with whom he lived, said, let's try again, but he said he would not return. He said he was already living with another woman. It just crushed me.

The other day I saw her: some kind of informal girl, everything goes in jeans, her hair is short, no femininity. I saw with whom he cheated on me all these years.

I did not want a divorce, but he insisted, I filed for alimony. He left us with the children a three-room apartment, but it is in a mortgage - three more years to pay! At first he paid, and then said that he would not do it anymore, because I, allegedly, spread rumors about his “new love”. And I only told the truth, what a creature she is!

My salary is small, alimony is also small, it is difficult for us to live, although parents sometimes help. I don’t communicate with him,, and when the now ex-husband comes to the children, I leave right away - I don’t want to have anything to do with him and generally talk. I did so much for him, gave birth to children for him, cooked, cleaned, stroked, the house is always clean and tidy, and he is like this with me!

I really want to take revenge on him and his cow. I just don't know how. And I don’t know how I should behave with him, tell me. And what should I do, I don’t love him anymore, but I got used to him and need himmoney . Maybe do a spell again?

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