How I unexpectedly started driving a car

How I unexpectedly started driving a car
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Usually on a weekday myhusband , going to work, dropped off ourdaughter to kindergarten, and he dropped me off at my work. Although this was not entirely on his way, it was a small detour. But I didn’t crowd around public transport. There are no trolleybuses or metro in our area, and minibuses in the morning resemble the last lifeboat lowered from the Titanic.

It was a daily ritual, very convenient and familiar. It was interrupted only a couple of times, when the car was being repaired, and each time it was a logistical disaster - how can you manage to send your child to kindergarten and get to work yourself, and in the evening do the same in reverse order?

That’s why our car was always in excellent condition – it’s very difficult without it. But trouble came from an unexpected (as always) side: one day, slipping on ice, the husband broke his leg.

I won’t tell you how I took him to the hospital, how much money was spent on all sorts of pictures and edits, how I dealt with my work and kindergarten for the child - it’s very difficult. But my husband is lying at home in a cast. And he had to lie like that for two months. In the very first days I realized that without a car it was just a disaster.

I'll reveal a terrible secret. I am blond. And one more thing - I have purchased rights. Well, as befits a blonde. But whoever in our country is not in any way covered in corruption, let him throw a stone at me. True, as they say, I bought my license, but I can’t drive. I hoped that I wouldn't need it. I’m terribly afraid to drive even with such an experienced driver as my husband, and I didn’t even want to hear about getting behind the wheel myself.

But now there was no choice. The situation was simplified by the fact that our car had an automatic transmission. For several days I honestly and persistently learned the rules of the road and solved all sorts of traffic rules tests on the Internet. Fortunately, the bosses at work very conveniently went on a business trip and no one bothered me.

After I stopped making mistakes in tests, I decided to go on my first trip around the city. I had to dig the car out of a snowdrift (it was a bitter winter and icy conditions).

They say the most important thing about your first trip around the city is to survive it. Surprisingly, everything went smoothly and without incident, although I immediately got into a terrible traffic jam on one of the highways and was even forced to drive around cars that had collided on the ice in the oncoming lane. But I succeeded! I parked under the house in joyful excitement. I loved being behind the wheel of the car!

Two years have passed since then. We have another car in our family - mine. I left without any problems that winter when my husband broke his leg, but when buying a car for me in the spring, my husband and I still decided to take a used one, ten years old. And it was the right decision. I got into several minor accidents, however, I was only to blame for one of them - I’m a very careful and responsible driver, I’m not interested in driving recklessly.

The main thing is that I stepped over myfear and did not shy away from difficulties. So if you want to, but are afraid to drive, perhaps myconfession will cheer you up a little and add confidence in your abilities.

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