How I radically changed my profession

How I radically changed my profession
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Some time ago I was unemployed. That happens. You spend years getting a good (in my case technical) education, you leave university as a good specialist, but then you get a job in a company where every year, as you grow in your career, your technical skills are in less and less demand.

This is what happened to me. I became an ordinary middle-level functionary in a large company, having lost all professional skills.

And then something happens to your company - either layoffs due to the deplorable financial condition, or behind-the-scenes games, but the result is the same: you are without a job, and in fact, without a profession, because as a professional you are already a zero - you have been doing office administrative work for too long without real practice. A situation well known to “office plankton.”

Some people manage to get a job with competitors in such a situation. I had such an opportunity, but after carefully weighing everything, I came to the conclusion that my competitors had the same serpentarium as my former company. I decided to take a time out, and at the same time try to figure out whether I was still worth anything as a professional.

At such a moment, a friend dragged me to a presentation of a well-known company that sells equipment and “consumables” for beauty salons. I never thought of this kind of business as something I could do. Although I didn’t see anything terrible in him for a “real man.”

It’s not that I’m very interested in the prospect of opening my own beauty salon, but why not go to a free presentation with a good friend since I have plenty of free time? Among the products was a good and quite expensive line of cosmetics. I wouldn’t have been interested in that either, but at that presentation there was an enrollment for makeup courses, and everyone was invited to try applying makeup on the models’ faces. The model was not enough for me, my companion came to the rescue, agreeing to become a “guinea pig”.

And the world turned upside down. I was not indifferent to painting before, I even graduated from art school in my youth, but then the most beautiful canvas in the world opened before me - a woman’s face. My evening makeup was unanimously recognized by everyone present at the presentation as the best. But I did this for the first time in my life! It turned out that all we had to do was overcomecomplexes and prejudices so that everything works out.

Several years have passed since then, during which I learned a lot, learned a lot. I am very glad that this talent was unexpectedly discovered in me, which has now become the basis of my financial success. Soon after that memorable seminar, my wife and I opened a beauty salon in our hometown, which continues to thrive to this day.

I didn't write my story to brag. It seems to me that my example can help those people who are embarrassed or afraid to do “unmanly” or “unfeminine” things, are even afraid to try, are afraid of ridicule and misunderstanding from loved ones. I think there is no need to hesitate - it’s worth a try.

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