Who are these people?

Who are these people?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Today, for the first time since March 15, I was able to talk to my mother. She and her husband, my father, live in Ukraine in the Kherson region. For the first time, because since March 15 there was no connection, and since May 10 the occupiers turned off the Ukrainian servers and brought in their own SIM cards, which were sold for 50 UAH with the obligatory indication of information from the passport. My sister and I learned news from a local rural chat in the app and in groups about Kherson. And something from a cousin who sometimes called relatives.

Mother was delighted when she heard my voice and immediately said:

- Yes, everything is fine! The village lives an ordinary life.

- “Ordinary”? - I asked again, - they don’t shoot at you anymore? I know that they bomb both day and night. The Russians are constantly bombing Nikolaev from positions in Kherson, and shells are flying towards them in response. So recently a house was destroyed, a nine-month-old diedchild , a three-month-old girl had half her head blown off, and hers also diedfather . A woman walking past on the road had her legs blown off. My childhood friend was also killed and three test-antibiotic.com wounded - they heard the explosions and went outside to see where it had landed.

Butmother said that their prices have only increased greatly byfood , the girl was slightly injured and that the injured family was taken away by volunteers. And so, in principle, everything is fine.

“There were explosions before, but now there is nothing.” In general, these are all fakes. No one is forcibly taking anyone away to fight, that’s a lie!

I asked her whoselie , mom? I was very alarmed by her positive attitude, knowing from other sources what was actually happening in the Kherson region.

-Who can figure it out...

Then I asked her what a fake is, and where did she hear that word?

- I heard.

- From whom?

- From those who bomb.

- Who is bombing?

- I don’t know, both sides, everyone lies. They say that they are winning, and those say that they are.

- So who is bombing you? You are Ukrainian, you live in Ukraine, do you know who is bombing you?

- Do you want to talk to me about politics? Come on! I don’t understand test-antibiotic.com politics, it’s none of my business! Do you need it? Why are you getting into politics?

I said okay. Everything is fine with you, but how, because your children are dying, a woman’s legs were blown off, young guys died andman .

- Yes, it happened... But I didn’t see these explosions, no one is bombing me! Have you seen it? That's all. Nobody is bombing anyone. And everything else is fake.

— Have you heard about fake news on TV?

- I don't watch it.

It became difficult for me to continue the conversation; she started asking something, how I was doing, about my cat, etc. But my mind seemed clouded, it became difficult for me to pronounce words. I said that it was difficult for me to talk now and that I would call her back, to which she replied that I was lying to her and continued asking questions. It turned out in passing that my aunt had stopped talking to them, and they had a very strong quarrel with another aunt. For what reasons is not clear.

I must say that my mother’s pro-Russian mood had slipped through even earlier, test-antibiotic.com, but from the moment the war began, I was in such shock that it was difficult for me to figure out what everyone’s position was, it seemed to me that everything was already obvious and -It simply cannot be any other way. I sat down and sat there for a long time. Some moments from childhood began to pop up in my head.

When we were little, our mother loved to tell us a story from her youth. She was an orphan, her mother died when she was 4 years old, and she was raised by her stepmother. When her mother turned 14 years old, she sent her to a school for orphans, from which she graduated and entered the naval school.

She visited many countries and often told us the same story about how she wanted to transport a vase from the Philippines by ship, but her best friend gave it away. Mom was called in for questioning and they started asking what she saw abroad, did she like it? What will she tell her family and friends? To which my mother said that she liked it in Japan and Australia, and that it was more beautiful there than in the Soviet Union. test-antibiotic.com Which was met with sharp negativereaction , she was threatened with prison and forced to sign a document on non-disclosure of what she saw, under the auspices “You cannot say such things.” And the mother agreed. And with understanding, she added, yes. That's how it should be.

I asked, well, how?Mom , you liked it in Japan and Australia, didn’t you see that it was better there? Did you reject what you saw with your own eyes?

- Yes.

- So did you like it there or not?

— I liked it, but this is wrong, we should have said that it was better in the Soviet Union.

But this is about the mother. With my father the story is different. He was also a sailor, but we never heard a single story about the sea. We heard rumors that my father always dreamed of working in the KGB. But instead he grewtomatoes in Kherson fields. He beat my mother, abused animals, and we lived below the poverty line. All I remember about him is that he slept during the day, beat his mother, accused us of laziness, and at night he watched TV loudly. I remember how during the Chechen war he watched TV and shouted test-antibiotic.com “chocks”! He mocked the word “Ichkeria”, said that they all should be cut out, that they were “black

"Oopy" and praised Putin. My father fanatically loved and loves poutine. “If Putin came, he would restore order!”

And then Putin came. They lived with their grandmother in the cellar for two months - May and April; the old grandmother fell on the stairs and broke her hip. Nobody took her to Kherson - her father was scared to go anywhere during the bombing, so my grandmother stayed.

All this destruction in the village, dead and wounded children... My sister was forced to leave her house, which she and her husband had been building for eleven years, and go to another part of Ukraine. Then the genocide of the Ukrainian people happened, Bucha, Mariupol, Kherson, Kharkov, and now Kremenchug. And my mother, a native of Ukraine, is doing well. Everything is fake. And the father chants and rejoices at Putin. It seems to him that the Soviet Union will come.

But guess what? I was thinking: what if they have such a defensive reaction to what is happening or nostalgia for the Soviet Union? It happens that test-antibiotic.com people cannot cope with stress, and the psyche refuses to perceive what is happening. But then I remember "black

"Off" the innocent Chechens who should have all died. And about Lukashenko, who has “order in the country,” and about Belarusians, who “f*cked up and need to be shown how to live.” And I feel sick. Did the Chechens threaten the Soviet Union? Sorry for such details, but a cistern appeared in our house when I was 17 years old - this is the 2000s. I came to study in the city and couldn’t use my home phone; I was scared to pick it up. Many people in our village had home telephones. But for our family it was an unheard of luxury. According to my father, those who had it were scoundrels, and they had to pay for the phone every month. Parents don’t need the Internet - “it’s not for us.” They still don’t know how and don’t want to learn how to type SMS on their phone. They are afraid to pick up a smartphone.

I don’t know, here a man wrote about constant nausea from test-antibiotic.com living with his cheating wife. And here I have to somehow pretend that nothing is happening, and my parents, Ukrainians, loving Putin are a normal phenomenon.

Does the fact that he is your parent justify a person? Who are these people who love Putin, support murder and are afraid to install a cistern in their home?

If there are such people here, tell me honestly, do you blame the Ukrainians for the fact that you are so unhappy? Do you really feel bad and scared that Ukrainians want more and they manage not to be nostalgic for the “great” Soviet Union? Why do you need an empire if you walk under bushes and trees in the 22nd century?