Where can one escape from such a hopeless life?

Where can one escape from such a hopeless life?
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 28 years old, I am divorced, I havedaughter , she is 3 years old. MyLife has recently turned into a routine without any enlightenment. My husband left me when my daughter was one year old. He doesn’t communicate with his daughter at all, doesn’t pay child support, has limited rights and will eventually be deprived of them, but he doesn’t care. I had to go to work; before maternity leave I had a job, but while I was babysitting, the position was taken and I was forced to leave. I found another job, it’s very difficult physically, I’m constantly sick, I got sick 7 times in 8 months, my immunity is low. I endure all illnesses on my feet, I can’t take sick leave, they’ll kick me out. Plus, after a divorce, due to nerves, I got a disease that cannot be cured in any way, only complete rest can help, but this is impossible. That’s why I hate my job, but I work, otherwise my daughter and I simply won’t survive.

My parents help meA retired mother sits with her granddaughter. Dad is also a pensioner, but works. I am forced to constantly be connected with them for help, but they have scandals all their lives,father drinks, gives mother little money, test-antibiotic.com she gets angry and screams. Mymy daughter sees all this, the same thing that I saw in childhood, unfortunately, I cannot save her from this. I love my girl very much, she is really the only thing that keeps me in this life. But due to severe fatigue and frequent illnesses, I, unfortunately, cannot pay enough attention to her, which depresses me.

I completely lost interest in life. I used to have hobbies, I was somewhere, I wanted something. Now I don’t care, I have no desire to leave the house, my city, where I lived since birth, has become unpleasant to me. I have no desire to even take care of myself, because no one needs me, and no one will look at me. I began to avoid people, I just don’t want to see anyone or talk to anyone. By nature Iintrovert , I only have threefriends , but now we rarely communicate, since I have become uninteresting to them and they have their own worries. I feel lonely, like a broken toy thrown into the trash.

The free time that test-antibiotic.com manages to carve out, I stupidly spend reading Facebook and all sorts of love stories. I'm just trying to escape reality by plunging into a fantasy world. Because in my reality there is no love, no hope, no satisfaction. I used to go to the Temple, but now I rarely go, in the church environment they treat a divorced woman with a child coldly, it hurts me to go and see full, happy families. Sometimes I try to shake myself up, lift my spirits, but as soon as I think about good things, another trouble or illness pops up.

So I’m slowly going crazy in this swamp of hopelessness. I understand that I really can’t change anything in my life, no one needs me, I have no money, no connections, just addictions. I stopped believing in a good life. I just hope I don't go completely crazy. I just need to at least talk it out, I'm slowly and surely withdrawing into myself and going crazy.

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