Beloved and dear lover

Beloved and dear lover
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I don't love minehusband . It’s not even that I don’t like him – I don’t care about him. He and I have been married for 12 years. I got married at the age of 20, not for love, I loved someone completely different, and I still love him. Yaroslav (my beloved) and I dated from the age of 15, we loved each other very much. He's my age, he suggestedI got married , but I was in no hurry. I knew that Yarik was not to the liking of my dad, who was a military man and therefore respected guys with a steely bearing, and Yarik was small and thin, he never considered us a couple. And when Yarik was drafted into the army, dad decided to introduce me to the son of his longtime friend Dmitry. Tall, stately, 10 years older than me, with an apartment, a car and a profession, of course, he could not be compared with Yarik. And I made a decision and got married a year after meeting Dmitry. Yes, I understand that then I made the biggest mistake in my life, but then it seemed to me that I was doing the right thing.

I got married, thereby getting freedom from studying,my husband began to provide for me. I won’t lie, at first, let’s say, there was a frenzied passion, but it quickly dried up and after six months it was gone, but I kept hoping that everything would be as they say: “If you get used to it, you’ll fall in love.” As for Dima, he adores me and forgives everything. You know, there is a phrase: “In a couple, one must love, the other must allow himself to be loved.” Don’t listen, it’s impossible to live with a person you don’t love.

Intimacy with Dima did not bring me any pleasure, therefore, in the third year of married life, I took a lover. Yes, yes, I got her, like a cat or a dog, for the sake of pleasure, for the sake of getting real female pleasure. My husband doesn’t refuse me anything, he got a card, he has no limits, he doesn’t ask where anything is going on, he loves me, he carries bouquets of flowers. During this time, Dima became a respectable person, quite personable. Tell me, live and rejoice, and I will answer: “Why should I rejoice? Because my husband drags me to different receptions, dresses me like a doll and that’s it?”

Amy confession is that I have been living with Yaroslav for 7 years, beingI am married to Dmitry and have a daughter from Yarik, whom Dima considers his own. We met Yarik completely by accident. I stood near the bus stop, waiting for a taxi to be called (I sent the car to a car service center). A taxi arrived, and there was my Yarik. And everything began to spin. Of course, I wanted to leave my husband, but then I thought, why would I leave and where? I don’t have an apartment, neither does Yarik, he rents a one-room apartment with a friend, and there’s nothing to live for, I don’t have a profession, I won’t go to the market. So I decided to live with Dima and love Yarik.

Six months later, my husband fired the driver and was looking for a new one, I suggested Yarik (Dima knew nothing about him). After some time, I began to rent a luxurious apartment, in which Yaroslav still lives to this day, and there we meet. Five years ago I gave birth to a daughter from Yaroslav, my husband, as I understand it, realizes that Sonya is not his, but he is silent, loves, spoils the girl, does not leave her side on weekends, is with her everywhere. And I am also next to with them, but mentally with Yaroslav.

This is how I live with not my beloved, but simply with a strange man! Sometimes I want to give up everything, tell my husband about Yaroslav, about my daughter, but why, because everything seems to be fine.

That's all my confession.

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