The love that made me depressed

The love that made me depressed
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

We met him in a dating group in Krasnodar. Why, among all the profiles, did I write to him? I am Russian, but I have always been attracted to Caucasian guys, I don’t know why, everyone has their own taste in choosing men. Due to a number of reasons, we could not meet with him for a long time, we corresponded for a long time and finally met. I immediately fell in love with him, he was tall, stately, fit, and also very smart and well-read. We spent an unforgettable evening, it felt like we had known each other for many years.

Afterwards we continuedcommunication , I constantly wanted to see him, but he began to behave very strangely. He might not write to me all day, then I could no longer stand it myself and asked what was happening, he, as if nothing had happened, said that everything was fine, everything was fine. It infuriated me so much, I stopped doing it, didn’t write to him at all, decided that I’d had enough. But he became very persistent, began to overpower me, insisted on a meeting, wanted to meet my child. I expressed my dissatisfaction to him, said that I was not satisfied with suchrelationship , that he gets lost, and then, as if nothing had happened, he reasserts himself. He listened to me carefully and said that he understood why you were silent, any problem in the relationship can be discussed. Okay, I thought maybe it was his way of communicating with girls, and since we talked about everything, now everything will be different!

I introduced him to my son, he didn’t come empty-handed, I bought him a bunch of toys, they walked, walked in the park, rode on a swing, then sat in a cafe, my child was simply delighted with him, they very quickly found a common language, butthe happiness did not last long. The next day everything happened again, he stopped calling and writing, he disappeared altogether, I was also silent. Three days passed, he showed up again, but this time I told him that’s enough, I don’t want such a relationship anymore, to which he began to be indignant, saying that he works, that he wants him and his family to have everything, and for this you need to plow constantly. At the end he threw out the following phrase: “well, if you don’t want to, then okay, that’s all for now.” We said goodbye to him, I blocked him everywhere, and he blocked me too.

I suffered very much, shed so many tears for him, I was in terrible depression for 2 months, but little by little I began to let go, the child also remembered him very often. I visited his page very oftensocial network and watched him, he had a photo with a girl, I decided to stop suffering and it’s time to return to normal life, take care of myself and raise my child. I signed up for dancing, my child for extra classes and stopped thinking about him. But after 3 months he showed up again and that’s it, it hit me again, he said that he loved me, he missed me very much, he wanted to call many times, but something stopped him. I asked: “What about your lady?” He grinned and said that he deliberately posted an old photo so that I would think that everything was fine with him, well, in general, everything started to spin again. But a few days later he began to disappear again, I don’t understand what he needs from me, what he wants. He says that he wants a family with me, that he loves my son like his own, and loves me, but this behavior really upsets me.

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