My friend's behavior worries me

My friend's behavior worries me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I have a close onea friend , together since the second grade, we spent all our school years at the same desk. Now, however, we have entered different universities, but we still meet very often, spend time together, go on vacation. The only thing that violates our idyll is the guys who for some reason don’t stay in our company.

The thing is that my friend is too picky about guys, not only hers, but also mine. As soon as someone appears on the horizon, a stream of criticism immediately begins. Now crooked, nowstupid , ill-mannered or, conversely, too annoying. She also finds such arguments that you involuntarily begin to think, maybe she’s right, from the outside you know better. And so every time, no matter who I start dating, all the guys, according tofriends , they don’t deserve me. And she proves this to me so emotionally, with such fervor, that I’m already starting to think that maybe it’s not the guys at all, but some other reason.

I’m a little embarrassed to write about this, but my friend and I have been sleeping in the same bed since childhood, we can take a bath together and are not embarrassed to change clothes in front of each other. Once we got drunk on champagne and started kissing, although the next day we tried not to remember it. So I’m thinking, maybe she’s just jealous of me, and all the negativity towards my suitors is based on personal motives? I don’t think that my friend sees me as a potential lover, I’m just property to her that she doesn’t want to share with anyone. I wonder if I'm right, or is there something else going on here?

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