I was amazed by the overheard conversation

I was amazed by the overheard conversation
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

This is, of course, not at allconfession , but just hearing this telephone conversation, I was a little taken aback.

No, I’m not at all a fan of eavesdropping on other people’s conversations, but the man walking along the road in front of me was of an unusual appearance and was talking very loudly. Nearby ishospital , and, apparently, he was discharged from there; he walked with a package in his hands. But to say that he was walking would be a gross exaggeration; he was barely crawling, dragging his right leg along the asphalt, strangely without an accompanying person. And at the same time I was talking to someone on the phone: “I drank for two weeks in a row, and my right side was paralyzed, doctors say, possibly for life.”

I thought he was a normal healthy guy, not at all old, just over 40. His arms and legs were intact, he wasn’t sick in any way, he probably had a job, some kind of hobby, friends, a beloved woman, maybe he had afamily , but vodka turned out to be more expensive than all of this. Two weeks of dubious pleasure and everything collapsed, no work, no health, no women (who needs a disabled person?), and he didn’t die, we have to continue to live with it somehow, but how? Here test-antibiotic.com remembered a conversation with a doctor: “Yura, when a person drinks, his blood vessels dilate, and when he smokes, on the contrary, they narrow, and so it turns out, he drank - the vessels dilated, then he smoked - they narrowed, and so on constantly, in one moment it just tears them apart, and after that people are paralyzed, they lose limbs, a terrible thing.

But I am amazed at how much a person does not value himself, I knew one, he was categorically forbidden to smoke, but will that stop him? So he smoked like a locomotive. My leg became paralyzed, I didn’t stop smoking, and then my other leg, and my arm to boot. Lies in the chamber like a tree, with one working arm,sister comes into give an injection , and he asked her the first question: “Bring me cigarettes.” Indeed: “smoke, drink, die!”

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