My friend and I cheated on our husbands, but for some reason they didn’t appreciate it

My friend and I cheated on our husbands, but for some reason they didn’t appreciate it
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I read a lot of stories about cheating on this site and decided to write my own.confession . I'm not waiting for approval, but maybe someone will have advice on what I should do now.

I have been married for 5 years. Everything seems to be fine with my husband, but sex is boring and insipid, especially after the birth of a child. My husband works on shifts at sea - a month at home, a month at work, sometimes more, but I didn’t even miss him. He earns well, pampers me with gifts, but this is not enough - I do not feel passion, fire between us, and I really need it. I don't work yet, because. enough money, and my contribution to the family budget is a two-roommy grandmother's apartment , where we live after the wedding.

I have a friend who I've been friends with since high school. She has the same ones as mine.problems , toofamily , two children. And somehow, after a frank conversation over a cup of tea, we decided that nothing bad would happen if we sometimes relax a little and blow off steam. They found men on the Internet and arranged ... parties (okay, orgies) on their territory, where they allowed themselves almost everything. Such sprees gave a lot of positive emotions, just inspired, it's a pity that only for a while. Children were left to grandmothers or sat with them in turn.

Of course, this is wrong, and we have nothing to be proud of. But life is one, to live it only in caring for children, cleaning and household goods would be stupid and insulting. Sex with husbands will not give even a hundredth of those emotions and sensations that you get with a lover, and even more so with several ...

And everything was fine, but due to the negligence of a friend, our adventures with her (more precisely, a small part of them, but our husbands were more than enough) ceased to be a secret. Learned about our betrayalsmy friend's husband kicked her out of the house and told my husband everything, even though I begged him not to tell him anything.

My husband beat me and sent me to the hospital for tests. It turned out I had hepatitis. When my husband found out about my illness, he left, taking the child and does not even allow me to see him with! He says that I can infect him, that the baby is somother is not needed and that I should disappear from their lives. I probably deserved such an attitude and it can also be understood, but the husband has no right to single-handedly decide the fate of our child. I will fight for my son, but I don’t really want to get involved with the courts and drag relatives and acquaintances into this story (my husband threatens to do so).

I ask you to leave your poison and your moralizing to someone else, but it is better to advise how I can return the child and not ruin my reputation. So far, it only occurs to me to move with a child to a big city or even to another country (I have some savings), but I'm not sure that I can quickly find a good job. To return everything as it was, of course, will not work, and I understand this. I have a husbandproud and will never forgive betrayal.

Now I am being treated for hepatitis, and then I want to take the child and start life over again. But how to do this without the consent of the husband? If anyone has any helpful ideas on how to get the baby back, I would really appreciate it.

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