I'm tired of supporting my daughter's family

I'm tired of supporting my daughter's family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My brother-in-law, he is 25 years old, has not worked for 9 months. He had an accident with his car, he tried to restore the car, but it didn’t work out, too much money was required for this, in the end he sold it very cheaply. His job required him to have a personal car; without a personal car, he had to quit. Since then, he has been to several interviews, but the result is always the same - he did not suit anyone, in one place, however, they hired him for a week, but in the end they left him for another. My son-in-law is a modest, quiet, calm person, he does everything slowly, most likely just thinking about his actions, but apparently no one needs slow people. But he also raised his bar. He believes that he did not receive a higher education in order to work anywhere and with anyone.

When the conversation comes up that we need to lower the bar and then, perhaps, we can find something for ourselves, he says that he is already tired of all of us. And he apparently wasn’t tired of sitting without money. They give himmoney is his parents, we help a little, like the parents test-antibiotic.com of our daughter, and we already have the impression that the son-in-law is already content with little and does not particularly bother about how to find a job. For several months now he has been saying that, as a last resort, he will go as a loader, and... he doesn’t, he’s just wasted words.

His daughter cannot influence him, they get into a quarrel, and in the end he goes to his mother (father is at a construction site, far from home). They, of course, also scold him, but things are still there. Plus everythingdaughter pregnant _ And how they will continue to live is scary to think about. Someone says - don’t help, let them do it themselves. But what kind of man is he who started a family but cannot feed it? I'm shocked. And how is he going to live from now on? I can't sleep at night anymore. My daughter is beating likefish on ice, but at least give him a worthy position. Along the way, he is not at all ashamed of being unemployed. They do renovations in the apartment with their parents’ money,The apartment was bought by my parents. They themselves can’t do anything, they can’t feed themselves, test-antibiotic.com will the child appear?

I can’t look at my son-in-law anymore. The last time we came to visit them, my son-in-law went to his mother, he is afraid that we will start talking again about how he can find a job. They suggested that he needed to complete some courses, his father had already prepared money for his son, the son scratched his forehead, thought and said that while he was studying (3 months), applicants would find others during this time and it would turn out that he studied in vain.

We don’t argue, we discuss everything quietly, peacefully, calmly, but his reasoning is already annoying and I just want to say straight to his face - when will you grow up and finally come to your senses? Are you a man or what?” His father asks him: “Do you haveThe baby will be there, what will you feed it?” — is silent. Someone from the outside says - keep quiet, don’t say anything, let them do it themselves, but what about themselves? He can’t find a job in the city, why do others find it? What's wrong with him?

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