I am lucky that my mother-in-law lives in another city.

I am lucky that my mother-in-law lives in another city.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

My husband and I are from different parts of the country, so we visit our parents only once a year. my dad andMom has never been with us, although we have been living in our apartment for 5 years. But the mother-in-law was already three times.

When my friends talked about their mothers-in-law, I was glad that mine lived far away and would not comeevery day . But at the start of summermy husband's mother called that she would visit us on her way back from vacation. I prepared everything for her meeting, believing that I would endure such inconvenience for a couple of days. But the mother-in-law said that she still had two weeks of vacation and she would stay with us.

But I was upset how the mother-in-law unceremoniously came out in the evening with a bath in my dressing gown! I said nothing, and she said: “prepare me pajamas or a nightgown, I didn’t take mine.” I was shocked by such impudence, I said that she could warn me, and I would buy it especially for her, but I don’t have a new one. Butmy husband immediately intervened in our conversation, test-antibiotic.com saying that I have just new pajamas (a gift from my sister).

I thought that my mother-in-law would at least take a walk with her daughter, take her to the zoo, but she refused, saying that she wanted to go shopping and asked for her son's card. The husband naturally gave, knowing in advance that the mother would spend everything. And so it happened.

If my mother-in-law lived nearby, I would either kick her out or divorce my husband!

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