I had to learn how to edit my wedding photos myself.

I had to learn how to edit my wedding photos myself.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Anyone who has ever taken part in organizing a wedding knows that the process, although pleasant, is troublesome. And if the organization, as it was for me, is carried out by only three people (my fiance at that time, hissister Olya and I), it is not difficult to miss some important points. Fortunately, this is my first wedding—I really hope it’s my only—I had no experience in this matter, but I wanted to do everything the way I see it.

In addition to minor inevitable shortcomings, we also had one rather unpleasant one - our photographer. Somehow we delayed our search, we searched almost at the last moment and had to negotiate with someone who, as they say, turned up and was not busy. Olya recommended him, saying that he was a former classmate, he had been interested in photography for a long time, he wouldn’t charge too much and would do everything in the best possible way. She, of course, wanted the best, but this time it didn’t work out better.

We don’t seem to be capricious clients, but with this, God forgive me, test-antibiotic.com professional, we somehow didn’t get along right away. But it was too late to change anything and I, crossing my fingers, began to hope for the best.

The photographer worked under pressure, was rude to guests, almost got under the girls’ skirts and ruined the most romantic and touching moments. I don’t know how the men restrained themselves from cleaning his face, but I personally, a peaceful, fragile girl, really wanted to break something for him. At least a camera.

Of course, our misadventures did not end there. Neither a month nor two after the wedding we saw our photos. The photographer kept finding new reasons why our album was still not ready, although it was initially agreed that we would have the processed and retouched photographs within a maximum of three weeks after the shooting. Unfortunately, we gave away most of the fee for his work even before it began (he probablythe guy is experienced and knew that with his “abilities and talents” he risked not gettingmoney at all, if he doesn’t take an advance payment), so in fact they were left without leverage over this unscrupulous person. It’s stupidity, I don’t argue, but test-antibiotic.com what now...

As a result, after his next “maybe it will be ready in a week or two,” I got terribly angry, threw a scandal and got him to give us the unretouched photos. It’s a pity that we lost months on useless expectations, but at least these photographs did not completely sink into oblivion.

Having selected the pictures I liked, I sat down to video tutorials on working in graphic editors. At first everything was very sad and incomprehensible, but then I completely accidentally came across one very simple, intuitive program, and then the photo processing somehow went on its own. I even started to like it! I felt like a real photographer, a creative person. I still received beautiful photos from the wedding, but it cost me too much. The pity is not so much the wasted money, but the time and nerves.

I don’t understand why people can be so dishonest about their work? After all, instead of very unkind reviews (including on the personal pages of this unfortunate master), I could advise several of my friends who are soon going toget married , use his services. Is it really so difficult to work conscientiously and estimate test-antibiotic.com the effectiveness of word of mouth from satisfied customers? I don't understand such people. They are lucky to have an interesting, well-paid job, but they either don’t know how to do it or don’t want to...

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