I'm ashamed in front of the guy that I come from a poor family

I'm ashamed in front of the guy that I come from a poor family
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I met my current boyfriend in my first year at university.

At the moment, we have been together for just over six months, and the relationship has the prospect of developing for a much longer period. And it scares me, but it scares me only because one day the day will come when I need to introduce him to my parents.

I have a lot of complexes, because the difference in wealth between our families is quite significant. It just horrifies me when I think about what he will think about my family when we come to my province together and he sees the house in which I grew up (a two-story wooden “barrack” - there are 30,000 of them in my town full of residents). And then the apartment itself...

No, she’s not that terrible, but in contrast to his, yes. My parents are simple factory workers, both graduated from vocational schools. hisfather is a university director, andmother doctor _ "White collars". And if we talk about an inheritance, then he has it, and it’s not a small one: a three-story house, 3 apartments. I don't have test-antibiotic.com anything. And even if my boyfriend says that the material wealth of his chosen one is not important to him, this does not reassure me much.

What will his parents say to this? He still doesn’t know anything about my family; in general, I always answer about them briefly and reluctantly. All this weighs on me so much. Next year he proposesrent an apartment in Moscow for two, at least the most ordinary one (about 15,000 each). My parents will not be able to provide for this whim. And I don’t know how to tell him about this. This terribly, unbearably embarrasses me.

I know other people haveproblems are even more serious, and that complaining about this is probably stupid, but as Irwin Shaw said: “No one measures hispain in objective terms, and thousands of deaths on another continent will not outweigh your own toothache.”

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