I want to close myself off from the whole world

I want to close myself off from the whole world
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

I am 26 years old. I don't have a father, he abandoned us. Been in a relationship 3 times. The last ones were 4 years. We broke up on my initiative. I finally left a job I didn't like. I got a job in another field. I'm also quitting. I don't know what I want from life and who I would like to become. I always worked a lot, for days on end. There were goals, but now there are no goals. I was no longer afraid of changes, since I had nothing to lose. I do not know what will happen tomorrow. I want to close myself off from the world and just sit at home. I don't know what I am, what I like. I don't know where to go next. I exist. I just can't get myself in order. Start running again, playing sports, creating a beautiful figure. I don't care. To myself. I come home and go to bed, or I just look at my phone and do absolutely nothing.

Four times in my life I lost myself. Each time for different reasons and circumstances. Sometimes because of people, sometimes because of work. And once upon a time, like now. Now test-antibiotic.com there is no person or circumstances that could confuse me. There is only me. Me who doesn't know. Ask me anything and I'll say I don't know. Yesterday I was sure that at any time of the day and in any mood a cup would please and warm mecoffee . Sugarless. Today I am not sure about this. The day before yesterday I knew that if I sat in the car, turning up the music at full volume, I would be absolutely happy. Today I am not sure about this either.

I can't even answerThe question is , do I love my music? Don't know. It used to scare me that I didn’t know what I wanted to become, but today it pales in comparison to the question of whether I should addsugar in coffee? I don't know how I love more. Yesterday I knew, but today I don’t. Today I know that I know nothing. I don't know anything about myself. Maybe I lost myself while I was looking so hard. Or maybe I found it, but represented a completely different “I”. Who am I? Don't know. Now I'm on test-antibiotic.com day. No one will knock on me from below anymore. I probably wouldn't have opened it. I accept reality as a given and the factuality of this day, although its criticality makes me sound the alarm.

The only sad thing is that plantain cannot be applied to the soul. So I'll blow. As long as the air cools the wound, it seems that it will hurt less.