My strongest desire is to make peace with my mother

My strongest desire is to make peace with my mother
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

New Year's Eve is coming. I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year. I want to wish you that you find the strength in yourself and put up with your relatives.

Probably, after anger, you go through several stages and accept everything as it is. For a long time I was angry with mymother . But now I understand that she is just an old, sick and now lonely person. She blocked all communication with her. Probably, if a person has a desire, then I would wish that we reconciled before some tragic event.

I don’t understand at all why we are so cowardly, why can’t we come in or call and say whatever we want? Why are we afraid to seem stupid or discuss? What is this strange human nature? I want to reconcile with my mom. I want us to call, and she did not reproach me for anything.

I am an adult and I have children of my own. What has happened cannot be changed. And we have only a small segment of the future to improve our relations again. I apologize to for everything that offended you and I want us to make peace. I hope someone posts this story on social media. network and it will reach it.

Reconcile and be stronger than yourself. One day it may be too late.

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