My man is not happy with my body

My man is not happy with my body
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.


I met a young man on the Internet. I am 22, he is 28 years old.

At first everything was fine: constant calls, funny texts, he said that I was priceless and significant - sheer romance. And unbeknownst to myself, I fell in love. This hasn’t happened for a long time, I wanted to communicate with him more and more. He opened up to me, talked about his former unsuccessful relationships, of which there were many. This didn’t bother me too much - the main thing was that all that remained in the past.

At one point he asked me to open up, to tell about myself, about my hidden desires and aspirations. Of course, I told everything, tried to be frank and sincere. Moreover, I have nothing special to hide, I have never done anything bad and I have nothing to be ashamed of. It seemed to me that he understood and supported me.

Finally, a period comes in a couple when we start talking about sex. He was very interested in this topic, although this side of the relationship is not particularly interesting to me. Ultimately, he got his way and everything happened. The initiative was entirely his; I didn’t really need it After that, he began to call and write much less often, not to mention the meetings, which became noticeably fewer. Recently we saw each other again in a rented apartment with daily rent, but my attempts to convince him to talk to me were ignored. After sex, he watched TV, and it felt like I, if not irritating him, was certainly boring him.

Now he often sends me photos of frivolous content, plus he sends pictures on the topic: what a woman should bebody . Apparently, there is something that doesn’t suit him about me, but he can’t tell me this to my face, only with hints. It's kind of strange for me. I love him for who he is and he knows it. But constant conversations about what I should be like, that I should take the initiative... Why do I need this? And so everything can be fine.

I don’t know if he’s serious about me, what to do and how to react to these photos, which I hate to look at. Seems gooda man , but somehow his romance passed very quickly.

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