My adult son does not want to communicate with me

My adult son does not want to communicate with me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Do not judge me strictly for myconfession . Maybe I'm badmother , once raised a son who does not want to communicate with me. But I still want to hear good advice from those who have the same problems with adult children.

I am 61 years old, and my only son is 30. I am married for the second time, that is, myhusband is my son's stepfather. The son has been married for 7 years, his daughter will soon be a year old. We live next door, next door.

Communication practically broke off a little more than a year ago. I feel that my son is very offended by me for something, but I don’t know why, and all my attempts to find out (including through my daughter-in-law) have come to nothing.

My son grew up as a very sickly boy, there were many other problems with him, but my relationship with him was always close. I brought him up almost alone, because. stepfather - a gentle and kind person, he practically did not interfere in his upbringing, having once heard: "You are not my father."

I had to be both mother and father - what can you do? There were also not very good friends, the danger of drugs. I am not saying that I am an ideal mother, but I tried my best.

Relations deteriorated sharply when I asked him to help with the computer. I must say that this was not the first time he asked, and it seemed to him that this was very often. He didn't say anything, just got up and left with his wife, without taking the pies I had baked.

Since then, he has not spoken to me. She's going abroad - she doesn't tell me about it. We communicate with the granddaughter only through the daughter-in-law, who answers all the questions: “It’s up to you to deal with him yourself.”

I try not to be offended, pray, call, write to him, but without an answer. I do not know what to do. I tried to just completely leave my son alone, it only led to complete alienation. How to reach his heart?

I myself was like a good daughter, looked after my mother until her death, loved her very much, my son helped me in this.

I would be very grateful for advice.

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