My daughter doesn't love me

My daughter doesn't love me
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

Perhaps my problem is trivial. Or it happens completely the other way around, in any case, I’ve read stories where the situation is completely opposite to mine.

The thing is that my eight year oldmy daughter doesn't love me. And I can't understand why. I didn’t pay much attention to it before, but I can’t anymore.

I have two sons (10 years old and 3 years old), and a daughter who is 8 years old. I don't work anywhereMy husband earns more than enough. Although he told me that if I wanted to go to work, he would not be against it, so that later there would be no unnecessary talk about the fact that he allegedly deprived me of my career. But I decided that I would devote myself to my home, husband and children.

Everything is fine, my husband doesn’t drink, doesn’t smoke, he prays. Seniormy son is an example for his friends and classmates. An excellent student and simply an ideal son. If I get sick, he, like an adult, can bring the necessary medicine, make tea and do some work for me. The youngest son is ordinarychild . Sometimes he can play calmly for hours, and sometimes he can destroy the house in a second. He is still small and it is difficult to convey many things to him. But there is a problem with my daughter. She is very cold towards all family members. Well, it’s impossible to say anything, he immediately snaps back. I try to calmly explain everything to her, but she doesn’t even hear me. She swears at me and takes me out. Doesn't listen at all.

I have low hemoglobin. I can’t call myself an epileptic, but once a month I faint. For various reasons - nerves, excitement, weather, everything affects. And in recent years, the main reason is my daughter’s behavior. And I don't know what to do about it. We do not deprive her of attention, toys, or clothes, compared to boys. On the contrary, as a girl, I take her more clothes, toys, and pay her more attention. I try to be more precise, but after a minute she runs away from me into the street. I’ll tell her not to go far, and then she’ll have to look for her from the neighbors until dark. And even after that, I “don’t have the right” to scold her or to even have a conversation with her. It all ends with screaming, crying and insults. I'm very afraid for herfuture _ We are Muslims, I am afraid that she will get out of hand.

I wrote here only after about two hours ago, I choked on a peach skin (this happens to me often), and she burst out laughing. The eldest son quickly reacted, brought water and hit him on the back. And she laughed. I was scared that if at that age she was so selfish, what would she be like when she grew up. On mythe question is how can you laugh whenMom gasps, she says: “I thought you were joking?” Okay, let's say I'm joking. But she saw how frightened the eldest son was and how the youngest was already crying. Seeing the elder’s face, I was scared. And she's funny.

Please advise what should I do with her? What words to choose so that she becomes at least a little more obedient. After all, after we are gone, she will stop communicating with her brothers. How so?

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