My mother interferes in my personal relationships and turns her daughter against me.

My mother interferes in my personal relationships and turns her daughter against me.
Photo is illustrative in nature. From open sources.

The story is not fictional, this, unfortunately, is now really happening in my life.

I have, I havethe child from the first marriage is a girl of 7 years. I am dating a man with whom I hope to start a family. I have a teenage child - and he has a child who lives with him. Children get along well with each otherMy daughter got along with me too. In general, we decided to live together, try. It seems that everything worked out, they should soon move soon.

While I live with my mother. At the very beginning of our acquaintance, myMom just fell in love with my chosen one. There was only talk about how good he is, and what a goat my ex is, and what a smart daughter he has, what a good father he is, and now I’m such a fool should live and be glad that I’m so lucky. As soon as my mother realized that everything was serious and there was no return to the past life, somehow immediatelythis unearthly love on her part ended.

It all started with nitpicking about money. In her opinion, even though we have been together for a week, he should give to me at least 10 thousand rubles a month. It all started with this, but then it got worse. And his aura is not like that, and something is wrong in him, and somehow they left him a child, and he probably drugged you with miraculous herbs, bewitched you. He probably killed his ex-wife, ate it and buried it, and now another person is talking to his child instead of her. It's all real, I'm not exaggerating at all!

My mother really has everything like in the series: and he looks at my daughter “not like that”, and does not love, and other horrors. She frightened all the relatives, but after talking with him, they realized that in principle the person is not rich (and we ourselves are not oligarchs), but he is good, loves children, they are drawn to him, play and so on. We have a large family , many relatives have children.

And then came the moment of truth: I'm moving. New furniture, renovations and more. My child at the very beginning of our relationship was very respectful of my choice. She is not small, she understands that her mother wants a family. and I talked about this for a long time and calmly. But now my mother and my ex-mother-in-law unanimously incite the child that the uncle is bad, the conditions for housing are bad (where do such noble manners come from?).

As a result, she does not greet any of them. The child psychologist says that the daughter now believes that her mother left her. My mother is not shy at all in expressions and swearing in front of my child and in every possible way criticizes my beloved. Of course, she allows everything, she criticizes me, and if I forbid it, then she will definitely allow it.

My daughter is also not a fool, she seized the moment and enjoys “privileges”: she does her homework anyhow, the TV is almost without control, music at full volume, the Internet, chips and soda as much as you like. Naturally, mother is bad, because she swears and forbids, and grandmother is good, because she allows almost everything.

And yesterday my daughter suddenly says to me: I'm not going anywhere, mom, we are adults, I'm leaving you! I'm in tears. It was all right...

I love and respect my mother very much, I am grateful to her in every possible way for everything that she has done and is doing for me. But I have no right to live my life. I must live alone (because all men are unworthy of me), dedicate my life only to her and my daughter. And if you already have a child - live for him and rejoice, but forget about yourself. For the first time in my 33 years, I did it my own way - and here is the result. I just don't know what to do.

My mother suffers from high blood pressure. Every time she calls me and says: I feel bad. I used to rush home or just didn’t go anywhere from home, but now I say that I’m not a doctor, call an ambulance. Or I come to “rescue” her with my man. As soon as she sees him, a scandal begins, she refuses to call an ambulance, scares me in every possible way, they say, leave, I'm alone, there is no one to call a doctor, it's scary. I understand everything, but I know for sure that sometimes she just pretends or makes herself feel worse by watching all sorts of crime series.

How should I be? Without a child, I can not, all my life for her. All acquaintances, friends are shocked, that I follow her like a little one and don’t let her go anywhere. Generally nowhere. I am a fanatical mother, at school in the parent committee, I generally have everything under strict control.

My man says to all this: I respect your mother, because this one is yours.mother , but she does not give a passage, interferes in our lives in every possible way and sets the child against me. My daughter hardly speaks to him now, immediately into hysterics and tears. He tries to set his own conditions, blackmail me and does not listen well. Roar alreadyevery day , and I feel that they will soon bring me to a nervous breakdown.

What to do?